maciejwalkowiak / just

Magical 🪄 command line toolkit for developing 🍃 Spring Boot apps
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A project not using Boot as direct dependency fails to start #7

Closed odrotbohm closed 1 year ago

odrotbohm commented 1 year ago

I have a project that has its Spring Boot parent defined in a parent itself. This causes just run to fail with

just   | Spring Boot not configured. `just run` supports (for now) only Spring Boot projects.
maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting! To determine is it is a Spring Boot project it checks for the presence of spring-boot-maven-plugin (otherwise it won't be able to start spring-boot:run goal). I overlooked the possibility that the plugin is configured in parent pom or in a a profile. This will be improved in the next release.

odrotbohm commented 1 year ago

By the way: the problem also occurs for the plugin declared in a profile activated by default. I guess that's a tough one to tackle, but I sometimes use activated-by-default profiles to be able to group dependencies and plugins by "purpose". I am not certain how common that is, though.

maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

I am thinking of following:

The workaround for the edge cases could be a configuration property that sets the framework and avoids check like