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How to update when you install using homebrew #9

Closed arunkpatra closed 1 year ago

arunkpatra commented 1 year ago

@maciejwalkowiak maybe we could add a How to Update section in the README.

I am proposing just update. What say? Would be happy to take this up and submit a PR.

Also, would you please add Question label on this repo; because, this is technically not an Issue, but just a question. Maybe we can setup a Discord Server, or Gitter Chat, whatever you would think best.

maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

Homebrew and Scoop have its own update mechanism. I am not sure how this self-update could be implemented considering it must support Windows/Linux/MacOS and find out if it has been installed manually or with a package manager?

arunkpatra commented 1 year ago

Yeah I see you point, especially given the various different ways to install it as you have pointed out. IMO, we could park it for now.

maciejwalkowiak commented 1 year ago

Yes, I think it is ok to rely on the update mechanisms of the package managers.