mackworth / cTiVo

TiVo Show Downloads for MacOS
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Tivo Server Busy, does not download #485

Closed puddle21 closed 2 years ago

puddle21 commented 2 years ago

cTivo suddenly failing at downloads. May or may not have coincided with MacOS update. I forget what the initial error was, but after restarting cTiVo, the error is now "TiVo Server busy" The TiVo in question is only using 39% of the HD. I have attached the major log. Please help com.cTiVo.cTiVo 2022-05-25--01-38-28-920.log !

mackworth commented 2 years ago

The TiVo downloading process is quite fragile. For example, downloading two shows immediately after each other will crash it. cTiVo tries very hard to avoid triggering this, (e.g.“Waiting for TiVo” phase), but sometimes it happens. Simple to recover, but you’ll need to reboot the TiVo itself to restart its downloader.

I don’t know if you had a different error before restarting, but the attached log only has the multiple errors of TiVo Warning: Server Busy. If this recurs, your TiVo (Master Bedroom) may need to be restarted.

let me know if that works for you.

puddle21 commented 2 years ago

I did reboot the TiVo by unplugging. The server error persisted. I appreciate the help! This is the log prior to the server busy error I believe com.cTiVo.cTiVo 2022-05-21--06-58-03-964.log .

mackworth commented 2 years ago

Surprising, that is.

Looking at your prior log, you were getting many Looks like cTiVo was frozen out for X,XXX seconds . That can mean that your system needs rebooting, or that it was going to sleep during a download (another way to crash your TiVo download, because it gets confused when nothing answers).

Check that Disable Sleep during Downloads is on in Preferences. Then I would reboot your Mac, then restart cTiVo, then reboot your TiVo once again. (Once you get that message, there's no other recovery than to reboot the TiVo. )

Note, rather than power cycle, use the TiVo>Reboot TiVo command in Window>TiVo Remote (Cmd-2). After it comes back up again and refreshes the list, try another download. Assuming you get the same error, post the resulting log.

puddle21 commented 2 years ago

I rebooted the mac, restarted cTiVo. Then restarted TiVo through the menus. Sleep is disabled in preferences.

So it tries to download now, but fails around 33%. I've tried two different shows com.cTiVo.cTiVo 2022-05-25--01-38-28-920.log .

mackworth commented 2 years ago

Sounds like progress!

Looks like you're using a custom Format DLiMac? What's it for?

Try a built-in one, like Default. In particular, DLiMac is using mencoder, which is a really old encoder, not recommended at all.

puddle21 commented 2 years ago

I had created DLiMac because I wanted a custom size in dimensions and MB. And mencoder...that's how long i've been using cTiVo--great program. Default is a little large on the file size for me, so i'll check out the other formats. But, it works! Thank you for your help!

mackworth commented 2 years ago

Great to hear! Nothing wrong with a custom format, you can certainly modify to get the right dimensions/size, but now using ffmpeg or HandBrake.