macmade / xcode-coveralls support for Xcode
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Add support for Homebrew or GitHub releases #2

Closed guidomb closed 9 years ago

guidomb commented 9 years ago

It would be nice to be able to install this using homebrew or maybe release a .pkg using GitHub releases. This would avoid having to compile to project in TravisCI.

macmade commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the request : )

I'll try to see if I can do this through homebrew. Otherwise I'll do a .pkg

macmade commented 9 years ago

A pull request has been sent to Homebrew:

macmade commented 9 years ago

So looks like this is not popular enough. Sorry...

guidomb commented 9 years ago

Really I didn't know they have such restrictions. :-(

bfontaine commented 9 years ago

Note that you can maintain your on Homebrew tap (= repo). Create a GitHub repository like homebrew-foobar (replace foobar with whatever you want), then add your formulae in it.

Users can then install your programs using brew install macmade/foobar/theformulaname. For example, if you add the xcode-coveralls.rb formula, people can then install it with brew install macmade/foobar/theformulaname. They’ll get updates when you’ll update the formula, like the core Homebrew repository.

guidomb commented 9 years ago

OK I think that is good enough. Thanks!

macmade commented 9 years ago

@bfontaine Thanks a lot for the suggestion!

macmade commented 9 years ago

@guidomb Ok, I created a tap with a formula for xcode-coveralls. You can now install it using:

brew install macmade/tap/xcode-coveralls
guidomb commented 9 years ago

Cool thanks!