The photo is named: "Jackie.Ashenden.jpg"; in the epubcheck error it says:
ERROR(RSC-001): C:/Users/padwoadmin/Dropbox (Macmillan Publishers)/bookmaker/swerve_final/done/9781250136763/9781250136763_EPUB.epub/9781250136763_EPUB.epub(-1,-1): File 'OEBPS/Jackie.jpg' could not be found.
the img src looks right in the layout html. When I renamed the photo and updated the filename in the manuscript to match, it went through fine.
Stumbled upon this coincidentally, but looks like an EpubCheck error. Can you report it in our issue tracker if you can reproduce and if you'd say it's indeed an error on our side? We're planning a big maintenance release soon...
The photo is named: "Jackie.Ashenden.jpg"; in the epubcheck error it says:
the img src looks right in the layout html. When I renamed the photo and updated the filename in the manuscript to match, it went through fine.
Wacky file is here.