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CLI and Cron #104

Open eBusinessAtlantique opened 2 years ago

eBusinessAtlantique commented 2 years ago

Do someone know how to use Magmi CLI ? And use Cron for planned imports ? Thanks

cbtrident commented 2 years ago

what you need to know about the cli stuff i can help alittle as i do use

eBusinessAtlantique commented 2 years ago

what you need to know about the cli stuff i can help alittle as i do use

Thank you for the proposal. I need to launch a profile by cron, What is the command line to launch ? Thanks

cbtrident commented 2 years ago

mine is like this 23 /var/www/public_html/magmi/cli/magmi.cli.php -profile="zfs-updater" -mode="create" 30 /var/www/public_html/bin/magento indexer:reindex 31 /var/www/public_html/bin/magento cache:clean

just remember to chaneg teh name of the profile to what you have got or created

eBusinessAtlantique commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot. In my case I don't need to reindex because it is done by the settings of the profile. I also found that in the module code to set up correctly the modes : ` using mode: