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No Records returned by datasource #107

Open theywill opened 1 year ago

theywill commented 1 year ago

MySQL 5.7.41 Magento 2.4 PHP 7.1

I took over a project that used Magmi to import data via the command line.

php $MAGMIFILE -mode=create -CSV:filename="${f}"

I've confirmed that the filename (${f}) provides the full path to the CSV.


When Magmi runs, it doesn't import the data. startup:Found 0 records, took 1.9073486328125E-5 sec warning:No Records returned by datasource end:Import Ended

I added some more logging to see where the problem might be.

  1. The parameters are received by Magmi - $params in magmi_productimportengine.php. Imploding $params provides the full path to the file, mode is create.

  2. In the same file, $this->getDataSource() appears to be empty. In function lookup() $this->datasource fails the is_object test.

  3. Within getPluginInstance($family, $order = -1)... if ($order < 0) { $order += count($this->_activeplugins[$family]); } The result is $order = -1. So there are no active plugins? Could that be the issue?

For testing purposes, I've chmoded everything 777. File permissions shouldn't be an issue.

Any ideas for me? Thanks in advance.

theywill commented 1 year ago

As an additional note: I've tried using a profile and not using a profile. No difference.

theywill commented 1 year ago

I found a stackenchange post that suggested using the prior version - 0.7.23. I installed that, copied over my config files, and it ran immediately. That appears to be the fix.