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Linked YouTube Videos created in the Magento backend disappear after running Magmi update #83

Open hazzy opened 4 years ago

hazzy commented 4 years ago

Magento ver. 2.3.5-p1

Hi all, problem is i have created some Youtube linked videos in the Magento backend and they disappear after the Magmi update run.

When a new video is added a new thumbnail image is created in "catalog_product_entity_media_gallery" (example called /h/q/hqdefault_173_10.jpg) After the magmi run to update images, that thumbnail is removed and the RI constraint means the associated row in catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value_video is also cascade deleted.

My theory is because the thumbnail is not in the "media_gallery" field in the feed, Magmi removes it?

Anyone help please? Thanks, Hazzy

Tables of interest catalog_product_entity_media_gallery catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value_to_entity catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value

and catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value_video which has these RI Foreign Keys CAT_PRD_ENTT_MDA_GLR_VAL_VIDEO_STORE_ID_STORE_STORE_ID Fields: store_id
Referenced Scheme: magento2_live
Referenced Table: store Referenced Fields: store_id On Delete: CASCADE

FK_6FDF205946906B0E653E60AA769899F8 Fields: value_id
Referenced Scheme: magento2_live
Referenced Table: catalog_product_entity_media_gallery
Referenced Fields: value_id On Delete: CASCADE

robert-chefsdeal commented 3 years ago

add a column named media_gallery_reset to your csv file and place 0 in that column for all rows. You can check magmi\plugins\extra\itemprocessors\imageprocessor\imageitattributeemprocessor.php line 606-615 for the reason. Hope it helps.