macopedia / magmi-m2

Magmi GitHub, see branch magento2 for a version compatible with Magento 2
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How to access Magmi admin page #95

Open eBusinessAtlantique opened 3 years ago

eBusinessAtlantique commented 3 years ago

This is a great project to have Magmi working with M2. I am a M1 user with Magmi.

But here with M2 and Magmi installed with composer, what is the link to the Magmi backend ?

Maybe adding a small how-to in the wiki section would be helpful for all of us.


dvershinin commented 3 years ago

Have a look here.

dvershinin commented 3 years ago

@UsmanIftikhar881 installing to the pub directory is a huge security risk.

Use composer installation method instead, and set up NGINX/Apache appropriately.

The code you outlined is already the correct version here.

And there is nothing correct about root:root MySQL credentials. AT ALL.

dvershinin commented 3 years ago

There is no need to do anything you do or the way you do it. I have posted the proper steps in the link just above.

joshpen commented 3 years ago

Hi, Do you have instructions for having magmi work on magento 2.4.3 with apache. The changes with 2.4.2 made it hard to figure out how to install with composer

eBusinessAtlantique commented 2 years ago

Hello I have installed with composer with composer require macopedia/magmi2 Did modify the magmi.ini file with cp vendor/macopedia/magmi2/magmi/conf/magmi.ini.default vendor/macopedia/magmi2/magmi/conf/magmi.ini nano vendor/macopedia/magmi2/magmi/conf/magmi.ini And put basedir="../../../../.." did setup:upgrade and cache:flush I use Apache But is making the Magento 404. Do you have a hint ? Thanks

eBusinessAtlantique commented 2 years ago

Unfortunatly it doesn't work if installed with composer. Maybe because documentroot is /pub ?