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Permissions issues #47

Closed daeh closed 6 months ago

daeh commented 6 months ago

I'm having various permission issues when attempting to write files.

I installed using brew:

brew tap macos-fuse-t/homebrew-cask
brew install fuse-t
brew install fuse-t-sshfs

and mounted the ssh drives with no options.

I can read files and I can create files and folders, but I get permission errors when renaming directories and editing files.

E.g. when creating a folder, I am prompted to authorize the action

CleanShot 2023-12-28 at 14 27 30@2x

If I authorize it, the folder is created but I cannot rename it

CleanShot 2023-12-28 at 14 27 43@2x

I can create a file (in this case just drag-and-dropping a file). But I cannot edit the file. First I get a lock warning

CleanShot 2023-12-28 at 14 28 24@2x

and if I attempt to save anyway, I get a permission error

CleanShot 2023-12-28 at 14 28 40@2x

The unix permissions look right:

❯ mkdir test
❯ ls -al
total 1605531722
drwxr-xr-x   1 dae  staff   4.0K Dec 28 14:56 .
drwxr-xr-x  17 dae  staff   544B Jul 14 19:17 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 dae  staff     0B Dec 28 14:55 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x   1 dae  staff   4.0K Dec 28 14:56 test
drwxr-xr-x   1 dae  staff   4.0K Apr 28  2023 torch_demo
drwxr-xr-x   1 dae  staff   4.0K May  2  2023 torch_demo_minimal
❯ mv test test2
mv: rename test to test2: Permission denied
❯ rm -r test

I'm way out of my depth in understanding how all of this works, so apologies. I was using MacFUSE and all of these operations worked before I replaced it with fuse-t. If you have any suggestions about how I should configure things or what I should do to troubleshoot, they'd be greatly appreciated.


MacOS 13.6.3

macos-fuse-t commented 6 months ago

Is it sshfs? Let me check and get back to you with instructions

daeh commented 6 months ago


sshfs MITbase:/users/daeh /Users/dae/mountpoints/home

where the ssh config is

Host MITbase
  Protocol 2
  User daeh
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_mit_rsa
  Compression no
macos-fuse-t commented 6 months ago

What is the output of ls -al /Users/dae/mountpoints/home on you mac when sshfs folder is not mounted? I assume that the files and folders owner on the ssh server is 'daeh'?

macos-fuse-t commented 6 months ago

I assume that there's a mismatch between your local mac user and and the remote ssh server. Try adding -o idmap=user to the sshfs command.

daeh commented 6 months ago

What is the output of ls -al /Users/dae/mountpoints/home on you mac when sshfs folder is not mounted? I assume that the files and folders owner on the ssh server is 'daeh'?

You mean the ls of /users/daeh? There's nothing in /Users/dae/mountpoints/home when the drive isn't mounted.

For /users/daeh, yes, the user is daeh::

drwxr-xr-x   1 daeh  gablab   4.0K Dec 28 14:56 test
drwxr-xr-x   1 daeh  gablab   4.0K Apr 28  2023 torch_demo
drwxr-xr-x   1 daeh  gablab   4.0K May  2  2023 torch_demo_minimal

Adding -o idmap=user didn't seem to change anything about how the user is listed or the behavior

sshfs /Users/dae/mountpoints/home -o idmap=user

In local mountpoint, /Users/dae/mountpoints/home

❯ mkdir newtest
❯ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x   1 dae  staff   4.0K Dec 28 18:07 newtest
❯ mv newtest newtest2
mv: rename newtest to newtest2: Permission denied

looking at the folder created by macOS on the remote, /users/daeh

❯ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 2 daeh gablab 4.0K Dec 28 18:07 newtest
daeh commented 6 months ago

Here's the output of sshfs /Users/dae/mountpoints/home -o idmap=user -o debug when I made a new folder in finder untitled folder 2 and then tried to rename it to testrename2.

log ``` unique: 7045, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7046, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder NODEID: 1686 unique: 7046, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7047, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/testrename1 getattr /untitled folder/testrename1 unique: 7047, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7048, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/testrename1 getattr /untitled folder/testrename1 unique: 7048, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7049, opcode: RENAME (12), nodeid: 1599, insize: 74, pid: 0 unique: 7049, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7050, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder unique: 7050, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7051, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder NODEID: 1686 unique: 7051, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7052, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1702, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1d/c5 unique: 7052, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7053, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1702, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7053, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7054, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1702, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7054, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7055, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1702, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7055, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7056, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1702, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7056, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7057, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1702, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1d getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1d NODEID: 1076 unique: 7057, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7058, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1702, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1d/c5/1dc5b906f3d6558ff1c111e92de104cf.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1d/c5/1dc5b906f3d6558ff1c111e92de104cf.dvi NODEID: 1716 unique: 7058, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7059, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1702, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1d/c5/1dc5b906f3d6558ff1c111e92de104cf.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1d/c5/1dc5b906f3d6558ff1c111e92de104cf.tex NODEID: 1717 unique: 7059, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7060, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1716, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7060, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7061, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1717, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7061, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7062, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1077, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e unique: 7062, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7063, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1077, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7063, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7064, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1077, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7064, success, outsize: 304 unique: 7065, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1077, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7065, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7066, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1077, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7066, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7067, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache NODEID: 86 unique: 7067, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7068, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/1a getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/1a NODEID: 1718 unique: 7068, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7069, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/25 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/25 NODEID: 1719 unique: 7069, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7070, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/27 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/27 NODEID: 1720 unique: 7070, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7071, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e NODEID: 1721 unique: 7071, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7072, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/5c getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/5c NODEID: 1722 unique: 7072, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7073, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/80 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/80 NODEID: 1723 unique: 7073, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7074, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1077, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/f3 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/f3 NODEID: 1724 unique: 7074, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7075, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1718, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7075, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7076, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1718, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7076, success, outsize: 144 unique: 7077, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1718, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7077, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7078, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1718, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7078, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7079, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1718, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e NODEID: 1077 unique: 7079, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7080, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1718, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/1a/1e1ae8183c0699ff0a584bf759dd6324.png getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/1a/1e1ae8183c0699ff0a584bf759dd6324.png NODEID: 1725 unique: 7080, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7081, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1725, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7081, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7082, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1719, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7082, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7083, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1719, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7083, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7084, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1719, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7084, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7085, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1719, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7085, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7086, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1719, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e NODEID: 1077 unique: 7086, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7087, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1719, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/25/1e2514fc774d73b21e1a5943d799d22e.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/25/1e2514fc774d73b21e1a5943d799d22e.dvi NODEID: 1726 unique: 7087, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7088, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1719, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/25/1e2514fc774d73b21e1a5943d799d22e.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/25/1e2514fc774d73b21e1a5943d799d22e.tex NODEID: 1727 unique: 7088, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7089, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1726, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7089, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7090, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1727, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7090, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7091, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1720, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7091, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7092, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1720, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7092, success, outsize: 144 unique: 7093, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1720, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7093, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7094, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1720, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7094, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7095, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1720, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e NODEID: 1077 unique: 7095, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7096, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1720, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/27/1e27d5830265d4517b6b09b51e83df1e.png getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/27/1e27d5830265d4517b6b09b51e83df1e.png NODEID: 1728 unique: 7096, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7097, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1728, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7097, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7098, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder unique: 7098, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7099, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 58, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 unique: 7099, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7100, opcode: MKDIR (9), nodeid: 1599, insize: 66, pid: 0 mkdir /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 0755 umask=0000 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 NODEID: 1729 unique: 7100, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7101, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder unique: 7101, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7102, opcode: SETATTR (4), nodeid: 1729, insize: 168, pid: 0 unique: 7102, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7103, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1729, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 unique: 7103, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7104, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7104, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7105, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr / unique: 7105, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7106, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder getattr /untitled folder NODEID: 1599 unique: 7106, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7107, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1729, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7107, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7108, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7108, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7109, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7109, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7110, opcode: CREATE (35), nodeid: 1599, insize: 66, pid: 0 create flags: 0x202 /untitled folder/.DS_Store 0100644 umask=0000 create[105553181868160] flags: 0x202 /untitled folder/.DS_Store fgetattr[105553181868160] /untitled folder/.DS_Store NODEID: 1730 unique: 7110, success, outsize: 176 unique: 7111, opcode: SETATTR (4), nodeid: 1730, insize: 168, pid: 0 unique: 7111, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7112, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder unique: 7112, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7113, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7113, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7114, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store NODEID: 1730 unique: 7114, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7115, opcode: FLUSH (25), nodeid: 1730, insize: 64, pid: 0 flush[105553181868160] unique: 7115, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7116, opcode: RELEASE (18), nodeid: 1730, insize: 64, pid: 0 release[105553181868160] flags: 0x0 unique: 7116, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7117, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7117, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7118, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7118, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7119, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7119, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7120, opcode: SETXATTR (21), nodeid: 1730, insize: 77, pid: 0 unique: 7120, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7121, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7121, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7122, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1729, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7122, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7123, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1729, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7123, success, outsize: 80 unique: 7124, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1729, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7124, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7125, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1729, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7125, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7126, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1729, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /untitled folder getattr /untitled folder NODEID: 1599 unique: 7126, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7127, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7127, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7128, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1729, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder 2/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2/.DS_Store unique: 7128, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7129, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1686, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder unique: 7129, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7130, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1599, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7130, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7131, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1599, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7132, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1729, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7132, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7131, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7133, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1599, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7133, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7134, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1599, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7134, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7135, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP / getattr / NODEID: 1 unique: 7135, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7136, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store NODEID: 1730 unique: 7136, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7137, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder NODEID: 1686 unique: 7137, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7138, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 58, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 NODEID: 1729 unique: 7138, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7139, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7140, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 8, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache unique: 7139, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7140, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7141, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 87, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/9e unique: 7142, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1721, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7142, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7143, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1721, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7141, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7144, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 88, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/9f unique: 7144, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7143, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7145, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1721, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7145, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7146, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1721, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7146, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7147, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 89, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/9a unique: 7148, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1721, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e unique: 7148, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7149, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1721, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e NODEID: 1077 unique: 7149, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7150, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1721, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e/1e2e08f1c1fa6d0418e64497130d2d91.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e/1e2e08f1c1fa6d0418e64497130d2d91.dvi NODEID: 1731 unique: 7150, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7151, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1721, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e/1e2e08f1c1fa6d0418e64497130d2d91.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e/1e2e08f1c1fa6d0418e64497130d2d91.tex NODEID: 1732 unique: 7151, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7152, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1731, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7152, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7147, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7153, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 90, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/9b unique: 7153, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7154, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 91, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/9c unique: 7154, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7155, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 92, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/9d unique: 7155, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7156, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 93, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/88 unique: 7157, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7156, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7158, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 94, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/89 unique: 7157, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7159, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7158, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7160, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 95, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/84 unique: 7159, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7160, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7161, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 96, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/85 unique: 7161, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7162, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 97, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/86 unique: 7162, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7163, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 98, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/87 unique: 7163, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7164, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 99, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/82 unique: 7164, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7165, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 100, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/83 unique: 7165, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7166, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 104, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/8d unique: 7166, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7167, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 105, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/8e unique: 7167, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7168, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 106, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/8f unique: 7168, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7169, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 107, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/8a unique: 7169, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7170, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 108, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/8b unique: 7170, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7171, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 109, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/8c unique: 7171, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7172, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 110, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/90 unique: 7172, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7173, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 111, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/99 unique: 7173, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7174, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 112, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/95 unique: 7174, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7175, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 113, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/96 unique: 7175, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7176, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 114, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/97 unique: 7176, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7177, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 115, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/98 unique: 7177, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7178, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 116, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/91 unique: 7178, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7179, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 117, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/92 unique: 7179, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7180, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 118, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/93 unique: 7181, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7180, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7182, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 119, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/94 unique: 7181, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7182, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7183, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 126, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a5 unique: 7183, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7184, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 127, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a6 unique: 7184, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7185, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 128, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a7 unique: 7185, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7186, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 129, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a8 unique: 7186, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7187, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 130, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a1 unique: 7187, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7188, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 131, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a2 unique: 7188, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7189, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 132, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a3 unique: 7189, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7190, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 133, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a4 unique: 7190, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7191, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 134, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a0 unique: 7191, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7192, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 135, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/a9 unique: 7192, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7193, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 136, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/aa unique: 7193, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7194, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 137, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/ab unique: 7194, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7195, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 138, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/ac unique: 7195, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7196, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 139, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/ad unique: 7196, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7197, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7197, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7198, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1732, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/2e/1e2e08f1c1fa6d0418e64497130d2d91.tex unique: 7198, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7199, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1732, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7199, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7200, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1722, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/5c unique: 7200, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7201, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1722, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7201, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7202, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1722, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7202, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7203, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1722, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7203, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7204, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1722, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7204, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7205, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1722, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e NODEID: 1077 unique: 7205, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7206, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1722, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/5c/1e5cf258d893b5365ae638f5e3941100.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/5c/1e5cf258d893b5365ae638f5e3941100.dvi NODEID: 1733 unique: 7206, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7207, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1722, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/5c/1e5cf258d893b5365ae638f5e3941100.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/5c/1e5cf258d893b5365ae638f5e3941100.tex NODEID: 1734 unique: 7207, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7208, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1733, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7208, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7209, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1734, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7209, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7210, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1723, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/80 unique: 7210, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7211, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1723, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7211, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7212, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1723, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7212, success, outsize: 144 unique: 7213, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1723, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7213, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7214, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1723, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7214, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7215, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1723, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e NODEID: 1077 unique: 7215, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7216, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1723, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/80/1e80ac8c7edf7464c20b0cfa948fa450.png getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/80/1e80ac8c7edf7464c20b0cfa948fa450.png NODEID: 1735 unique: 7216, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7217, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1735, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7217, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7218, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7218, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7219, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr / unique: 7219, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7220, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder unique: 7220, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7221, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/testrename2 getattr /untitled folder/testrename2 unique: 7221, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7222, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/testrename2 getattr /untitled folder/testrename2 unique: 7222, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7223, opcode: RENAME (12), nodeid: 1599, insize: 76, pid: 0 unique: 7223, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7224, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder unique: 7224, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7225, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1724, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/f3 unique: 7225, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7226, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1724, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7226, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7227, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1724, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7227, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7228, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1724, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7228, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7229, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1724, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7229, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7230, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1724, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e NODEID: 1077 unique: 7230, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7231, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1724, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/f3/1ef357e34af0fdd4504932b64c5e3fc9.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/f3/1ef357e34af0fdd4504932b64c5e3fc9.dvi NODEID: 1736 unique: 7231, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7232, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1724, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/f3/1ef357e34af0fdd4504932b64c5e3fc9.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1e/f3/1ef357e34af0fdd4504932b64c5e3fc9.tex NODEID: 1737 unique: 7232, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7233, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1736, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7233, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7234, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1737, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7234, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7235, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1078, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f unique: 7235, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7236, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1078, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7236, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7237, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1078, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7237, success, outsize: 176 unique: 7238, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1078, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7238, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7239, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1078, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7239, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7240, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1078, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache NODEID: 86 unique: 7240, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7241, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1078, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/1c getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/1c NODEID: 1738 unique: 7241, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7242, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1078, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/cd getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/cd NODEID: 1739 unique: 7242, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7243, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1078, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/d3 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/d3 NODEID: 1740 unique: 7243, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7244, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1738, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7244, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7245, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1738, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7245, success, outsize: 144 unique: 7246, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1738, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7246, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7247, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1738, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7247, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7248, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1738, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f NODEID: 1078 unique: 7248, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7249, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1738, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/1c/1f1c413196d567ce9f5d0f39849b8970.png getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/1c/1f1c413196d567ce9f5d0f39849b8970.png NODEID: 1741 unique: 7249, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7250, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1741, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7250, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7251, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1739, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7251, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7252, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1739, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7252, success, outsize: 144 unique: 7253, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1739, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7253, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7254, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1739, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7254, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7255, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1739, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f NODEID: 1078 unique: 7255, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7256, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1739, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/cd/1fcdfb022a061bbae7b481e74a03d165.png getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/cd/1fcdfb022a061bbae7b481e74a03d165.png NODEID: 1742 unique: 7256, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7257, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1742, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7257, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7258, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7258, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7259, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store NODEID: 1730 unique: 7259, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7260, opcode: OPEN (14), nodeid: 1730, insize: 48, pid: 0 open flags: 0x2 /untitled folder/.DS_Store open[105553181934208] flags: 0x2 /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7260, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7261, opcode: SETATTR (4), nodeid: 1730, insize: 168, pid: 0 truncate /untitled folder/.DS_Store 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7261, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7262, opcode: WRITE (16), nodeid: 1730, insize: 84, pid: 0 write[105553181934208] 4 bytes to 0 flags: 0x2 write[105553181934208] 4 bytes to 0 unique: 7262, success, outsize: 24 unique: 7263, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7264, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7265, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7263, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7266, opcode: WRITE (16), nodeid: 1730, insize: 6224, pid: 0 write[105553181934208] 6144 bytes to 4 flags: 0x2 write[105553181934208] 6144 bytes to 4 unique: 7266, success, outsize: 24 unique: 7267, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7264, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7265, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7268, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1599, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7268, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7269, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1599, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7269, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7270, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1599, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7270, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7271, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1599, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7271, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7272, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP / getattr / NODEID: 1 unique: 7272, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7273, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7267, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7274, opcode: FLUSH (25), nodeid: 1730, insize: 64, pid: 0 flush[105553181934208] unique: 7274, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7275, opcode: RELEASE (18), nodeid: 1730, insize: 64, pid: 0 release[105553181934208] flags: 0x0 unique: 7275, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7276, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1730, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store unique: 7276, success, outsize: 136 NODEID: 1730 unique: 7273, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7277, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder NODEID: 1686 unique: 7277, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7278, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 58, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 NODEID: 1729 unique: 7278, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7279, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder NODEID: 1686 unique: 7279, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7280, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 58, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 NODEID: 1729 unique: 7280, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7281, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/testrename2 getattr /untitled folder/testrename2 unique: 7281, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7282, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/testrename2 getattr /untitled folder/testrename2 unique: 7282, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16 unique: 7283, opcode: RENAME (12), nodeid: 1599, insize: 76, pid: 0 unique: 7283, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7284, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /untitled folder unique: 7284, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7285, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 58, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 NODEID: 1729 unique: 7285, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7286, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7287, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1740, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7287, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7288, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1740, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7286, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7289, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1599, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7289, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7290, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1599, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7290, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7291, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1599, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7291, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7292, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1599, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7292, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7293, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP / getattr / NODEID: 1 unique: 7293, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7294, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 50, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/.DS_Store getattr /untitled folder/.DS_Store NODEID: 1730 unique: 7294, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7295, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 56, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder NODEID: 1686 unique: 7295, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7296, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1599, insize: 58, pid: 0 LOOKUP /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 getattr /untitled folder/untitled folder 2 NODEID: 1729 unique: 7296, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7288, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7297, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1740, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7297, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7298, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1740, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7298, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7299, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1740, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f NODEID: 1078 unique: 7299, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7300, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1740, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/d3/1fd3510e0c1c0831c821cb82a80426b7.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/d3/1fd3510e0c1c0831c821cb82a80426b7.dvi NODEID: 1743 unique: 7300, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7301, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1740, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/d3/1fd3510e0c1c0831c821cb82a80426b7.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/1f/d3/1fd3510e0c1c0831c821cb82a80426b7.tex NODEID: 1744 unique: 7301, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7302, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1743, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7302, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7303, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1744, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7303, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7304, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1079, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 unique: 7304, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7305, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1079, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7305, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7306, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1079, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7306, success, outsize: 304 unique: 7307, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1079, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7307, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7308, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1079, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7308, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7309, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache NODEID: 86 unique: 7309, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7310, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/19 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/19 NODEID: 1745 unique: 7310, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7311, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/23 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/23 NODEID: 1746 unique: 7311, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7312, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/6c getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/6c NODEID: 1747 unique: 7312, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7313, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/ab getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/ab NODEID: 1748 unique: 7313, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7314, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/b7 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/b7 NODEID: 1749 unique: 7314, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7315, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/bf getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/bf NODEID: 1750 unique: 7315, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7316, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1079, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/d6 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/d6 NODEID: 1751 unique: 7316, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7317, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1745, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7317, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7318, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1745, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7318, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7319, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1745, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7319, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7320, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1745, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7320, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7321, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1745, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 NODEID: 1079 unique: 7321, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7322, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1745, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/19/2019d73d6b1412d8503dd8b6d03b9566.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/19/2019d73d6b1412d8503dd8b6d03b9566.dvi NODEID: 1752 unique: 7322, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7323, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1745, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/19/2019d73d6b1412d8503dd8b6d03b9566.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/19/2019d73d6b1412d8503dd8b6d03b9566.tex NODEID: 1753 unique: 7323, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7324, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1752, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7324, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7325, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1753, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7325, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7326, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1746, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7326, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7327, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1746, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7327, success, outsize: 144 unique: 7328, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1746, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7328, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7329, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1746, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7329, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7330, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1746, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 NODEID: 1079 unique: 7330, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7331, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1746, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/23/20230a749fdd5550bd0f99eab7b16c71.png getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/23/20230a749fdd5550bd0f99eab7b16c71.png NODEID: 1754 unique: 7331, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7332, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1754, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7332, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7333, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1747, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7333, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7334, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1747, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7335, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 0 statfs / unique: 7335, success, outsize: 96 unique: 7336, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr / unique: 7336, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7334, success, outsize: 144 unique: 7337, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1747, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7337, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7338, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1747, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7338, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7339, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1747, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 NODEID: 1079 unique: 7339, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7340, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1747, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/6c/206c35062afa4dfa9a9b776561f0353e.png getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/6c/206c35062afa4dfa9a9b776561f0353e.png NODEID: 1755 unique: 7340, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7341, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1755, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7341, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7342, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1748, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7342, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7343, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1748, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7343, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7344, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1748, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7344, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7345, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1748, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7345, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7346, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1748, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 NODEID: 1079 unique: 7346, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7347, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1748, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/ab/20aba20961c3f2fb327e86ffec0e7a65.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/ab/20aba20961c3f2fb327e86ffec0e7a65.dvi NODEID: 1756 unique: 7347, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7348, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1748, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/ab/20aba20961c3f2fb327e86ffec0e7a65.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/ab/20aba20961c3f2fb327e86ffec0e7a65.tex NODEID: 1757 unique: 7348, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7349, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1756, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7349, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7350, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1757, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7350, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 unique: 7351, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1749, insize: 48, pid: 0 unique: 7351, success, outsize: 32 unique: 7352, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1749, insize: 80, pid: 0 getdir[0] unique: 7352, success, outsize: 208 unique: 7353, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1749, insize: 80, pid: 0 unique: 7353, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7354, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1749, insize: 64, pid: 0 unique: 7354, success, outsize: 16 unique: 7355, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1749, insize: 56, pid: 0 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/b7 unique: 7355, success, outsize: 136 unique: 7356, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1749, insize: 43, pid: 0 LOOKUP-DOTDOT LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20 NODEID: 1079 unique: 7356, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7357, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1749, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/b7/20b721a3de88de0ecf1694225ea287cf.dvi getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/b7/20b721a3de88de0ecf1694225ea287cf.dvi NODEID: 1758 unique: 7357, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7358, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1749, insize: 77, pid: 0 LOOKUP /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/b7/20b721a3de88de0ecf1694225ea287cf.tex getattr /.cache/matplotlib/tex.cache/20/b7/20b721a3de88de0ecf1694225ea287cf.tex NODEID: 1759 unique: 7358, success, outsize: 160 unique: 7359, opcode: LISTXATTR (23), nodeid: 1758, insize: 56, pid: 0 unique: 7359, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16 ```
macos-fuse-t commented 6 months ago

Looking at the logs I'm seeing something weird:

 unique: 7049, opcode: RENAME (12), nodeid: 1599, insize: 74, pid: 0
 unique: 7049, error: -78 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16

It seems that I didn't update the sshfs brew package for quite some time and that causes incompatibilities with the current version of the fuse-t. It would take me some time to update the package properly. Meanwhile there are two quicker options: you can build sshfs yourself or just tell me if you have an arm or Intel machine and I'll send you a privately built sshfs package

If you decide to build sshfs yourself follow the instructions:

brew install autoconf automake
git clone
cd sshfs
autoreconf -vfi
sudo make install

Please tell me how do you want to proceed

daeh commented 6 months ago

Thanks a ton. The make install seemed to go fine but then in trying to mount a drive, I get this error:

dyld[21176]: Symbol not found: _fuse_chan_fd
  Referenced from: <9E566557-19D1-3772-ADFE-53906C09ED19> /usr/local/bin/sshfs
  Expected in:     <no uuid> unknown
[1]    21176 abort      sshfs /Users/dae/mountpoints/home

I'm using an arm cpu

macos-fuse-t commented 6 months ago

Please try the latest package:

daeh commented 6 months ago

all initial tests work! thank you a ton!

What should be my plan for updating down the road? Should I plan to build and install the sshfs repo when new version are released

macos-fuse-t commented 6 months ago

I don't think you need to upgrade if it works, sshfs is a stable package and the code itself hasn't been updated for years