When the Main.storyboard (e.g. default, initial storyboard) shows up in the search results, it appears as a yellow folder and I can't open it directly. However, I can open other storyboards I've created this way (i.e. type "Ano.." for Another.storyboard, and then select it).
The Main.storyboard shows up correctly as a storyboard in the recent files list however. It's just when typing/searching that it appears as a yellow folder.
This is on the latest Xcode and OS, but I've had this issue for a long time on many versions of Xcode and many projects.
When the Main.storyboard (e.g. default, initial storyboard) shows up in the search results, it appears as a yellow folder and I can't open it directly. However, I can open other storyboards I've created this way (i.e. type "Ano.." for Another.storyboard, and then select it).
The Main.storyboard shows up correctly as a storyboard in the recent files list however. It's just when typing/searching that it appears as a yellow folder.
This is on the latest Xcode and OS, but I've had this issue for a long time on many versions of Xcode and many projects.