macournoyer / neuralconvo

Neural conversational model in Torch
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'unknown object' error when I tried to load examples.t7 #8

Closed lifelongeek closed 8 years ago

lifelongeek commented 8 years ago

First of all, thanks to share your neural conversational model implementation.

I want to see inside of 'examples' variable in your source code. Specifically, I want to ask solution for error when I tried to load 'examples.t7' written by your code.

As a prerequisite of loading 'examples.t7' in torch7 interactive mode, I first typed require 'neuralconvo' require 'cutorch'

Then, I typed examples = torch.load('data/examples.t7') and the following error occurred.

/home/kenkim/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/File.lua:294: unknown object.

Any suggestion to see inside of examples variable?

macournoyer commented 8 years ago

examples.t7 is written in chunks, so you can't load it w/ torch.load. Instead you can use the following code:

local dataset = neuralconvo.DataSet(neuralconvo.CornellMovieDialogs("data/cornell_movie_dialogs"))

for examples in dataset:batches(100) do -- Loads in chunks of 100 examples
  for _, example in ipairs(examples) do

      local input, target = unpack(example)
      -- inspect input and target here ...


I hope this helps!