macports / macports-webapp

Web application to display information about ports, build history and installation statistics
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
56 stars 28 forks source link missed at least one port: gcc10-bootstrap #336

Closed catap closed 2 years ago

catap commented 2 years ago

The url: says that port has been deleted.

But it quite alive:

arjunsalyan commented 2 years ago

The PortIndex is generated using the command portindex -p macosx_19_i386 in a linux environment.

For a few ports, parsing errors are encountered, here is from the recent logs

Failed to parse file devel/icu58/Portfile: sysctl not available
Failed to parse file graphics/povray/Portfile: sysctl not available
Failed to parse file lang/gcc10-bootstrap/Portfile: sysctl not available
Failed to parse file math/pari/Portfile: sysctl not available
Failed to parse file security/cyrus-sasl2/Portfile: sysctl not available

gcc10-bootstrap falls in this list and hence it is not available in the PortIndex used by the website, that is why it is marked as deleted. There is an open Trac Ticket for the same

catap commented 2 years ago

@arjunsalyan can you try portindex -p macosx_21_arm? I guess that should help.

jmroot commented 2 years ago

As per the trac ticket, it's the ports, or more often the portgroups they include, that need to be fixed.