macr0dev / Audiobooks.bundle

Plex metadata scraper for Audiobooks
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Automatic collection creation #61

Open Bmsandoval opened 2 years ago

Bmsandoval commented 2 years ago

In the current version of Plex, there is an option to automatically group items of a collection if you posess atleast 3 of an item. I was wondering if there would be a way to integrate that functionality into this plugin to group books in a series

stxmqa commented 7 months ago

I like this idea but as the project is no longer in development, I'm not sure it may happen.

Firstly, does Plex even support that from an agent? If so, maybe specifying a particular metadata tag (since only a couple are used), could work.

macr0dev commented 7 months ago

I don't use Plex for audiobooks anymore since I switched to BookSonic and then eventually Audiobookshelf., but I still kind of keep up with what's going on since I heavily use Plex. These guys seem to have it figured out.