Closed p-ferreira closed 6 months ago
@bkb2135 results on load all current runs and look for repetitive challenges (p2): Challenges are not repeated, except from validator Rizzo, which has a pretty high presence of NaNs. I'm not totally sure why, but other validators are fine
Code that facilitates the creation of historic tables on network params (like incentive, emission, consensus, etc) from the metagraph. The code iterates back over the metagraph given a block_start
, last_n_steps
and block interval step
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import pandas as pd
import bittensor as bt
def create_uid_hotkey_history_df(netuid, last_n_steps=30, step=100, block_start = None, block_stop = None):
subtensor = bt.subtensor(network='archive')
metagraph = subtensor.metagraph(netuid, lite=False)
if block_start is not None:
current_block = metagraph.block
data = []
for interval in tqdm(list(range(0, last_n_steps))):
block = current_block - (interval * step)
if block_stop is not None:
if block <= block_stop:
metagraph.sync(block=int(block), lite=True)'Syncing block {block}')
for uid in metagraph.uids:
hotkey = metagraph.hotkeys[uid]
emission = metagraph.emission[uid]
coldkey = metagraph.coldkeys[uid]
stake = metagraph.S[uid]
consensus = metagraph.C[uid]
incentive = metagraph.I[uid]
#series = pd.Series([uid.item(), hotkey, emission.item(), block.item(), coldkey, stake.item(), consensus.item()], index=df.columns)
data.append([uid.item(), hotkey, emission.item(), block.item(), coldkey, stake.item(), consensus.item(), incentive.item()])
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['uid', 'hotkey', 'emission', 'block', 'coldkey', 'stake', 'consensus', 'incentive'])
return df
Regarding explore incentive landscape (p1):
The plot shows that we did had a weird period around the incentives but things seems to be improved once the majority of validators were running the latest version.
Continuing to monitor the incentives, we can observe that the network has aligned itself with a slight increase of incentives over the weekend following the release.
New goals for subnet health analysis: