macrocosm-os / prompting

SN1: An incentive mechanism for internet-scale conversational intelligence
MIT License
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2.3.0 - Post-release analysis #240

Closed p-ferreira closed 6 months ago

p-ferreira commented 6 months ago
p-ferreira commented 6 months ago

@bkb2135 results on load all current runs and look for repetitive challenges (p2): Challenges are not repeated, except from validator Rizzo, which has a pretty high presence of NaNs. I'm not totally sure why, but other validators are fine

p-ferreira commented 6 months ago

Code that facilitates the creation of historic tables on network params (like incentive, emission, consensus, etc) from the metagraph. The code iterates back over the metagraph given a block_start, last_n_steps and block interval step:

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm 
import pandas as pd
import bittensor as bt

def create_uid_hotkey_history_df(netuid, last_n_steps=30, step=100, block_start = None, block_stop = None):
    subtensor = bt.subtensor(network='archive')
    metagraph = subtensor.metagraph(netuid, lite=False)

    if block_start is not None:

    current_block = metagraph.block

    data = []

    for interval in tqdm(list(range(0, last_n_steps))):
        block = current_block - (interval * step)

        if block_stop is not None:
            if block <= block_stop:

        metagraph.sync(block=int(block), lite=True)'Syncing block {block}')

        for uid in metagraph.uids:            
            hotkey = metagraph.hotkeys[uid]
            emission = metagraph.emission[uid]
            coldkey = metagraph.coldkeys[uid]
            stake = metagraph.S[uid]
            consensus = metagraph.C[uid]
            incentive = metagraph.I[uid]

            #series = pd.Series([uid.item(), hotkey, emission.item(), block.item(), coldkey, stake.item(), consensus.item()], index=df.columns)
            data.append([uid.item(), hotkey, emission.item(), block.item(), coldkey, stake.item(), consensus.item(), incentive.item()])

    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['uid', 'hotkey', 'emission', 'block', 'coldkey', 'stake', 'consensus', 'incentive'])
    return df
p-ferreira commented 6 months ago

Regarding explore incentive landscape (p1):

The plot shows that we did had a weird period around the incentives but things seems to be improved once the majority of validators were running the latest version.



p-ferreira commented 6 months ago

Continuing to monitor the incentives, we can observe that the network has aligned itself with a slight increase of incentives over the weekend following the release.


p-ferreira commented 6 months ago

New goals for subnet health analysis: