Need to fix and finalize all parameters and settings
This means that, for the final set of control-file parameters, the documentation and control files must reflect these exactly.
Parameters that should be invisible to the user:
autotune - it's experimental, may be deleted, and will just confuse for now.
Parameters that need to be fixed
updateNodeStateBeta - needs to be on relative scale. The input value should be a fraction of the trait standard deviation.
Parameters that should be eliminated, at least from the documentation and control files
acceptWriteFreq - I'm pretty sure this isn't doing anything. Used to write all parameters and acceptance rates to file every acceptWriteFreq generations but I think it is deprecated
Need to fix and finalize all parameters and settings
This means that, for the final set of control-file parameters, the documentation and control files must reflect these exactly.
Parameters that should be invisible to the user: autotune - it's experimental, may be deleted, and will just confuse for now.
Parameters that need to be fixed updateNodeStateBeta - needs to be on relative scale. The input value should be a fraction of the trait standard deviation.
Parameters that should be eliminated, at least from the documentation and control files acceptWriteFreq - I'm pretty sure this isn't doing anything. Used to write all parameters and acceptance rates to file every acceptWriteFreq generations but I think it is deprecated