macronucleus / Chromagnon

Image correction software for chromatic shifts in fluorescence microscopic images
GNU General Public License v2.0
21 stars 5 forks source link

Command line execution #6

Closed juliomateoslangerak closed 5 years ago

juliomateoslangerak commented 6 years ago

HI, Not really an issue but... Is it possible to run Chromagnon from the command line? If yes, could you provide a quick reference of how to do it? Thanks. BTW: Chromagnon rocks!

macronucleus commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks a lot for the feedback. I fixed the code (v0.61) so that you can run Chromagnon from the command line if you install it from the source. On linux, $ chromagnon -h will show you the help (see the Document page 10 for platform dependent call for the program). The options are very similar to the graphical interface. You need a single reference file (-R option), and can have multiple target files. I hope it works for you. Atsushi