macropusgiganteus / scrappy-web

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[Chore] Increase test coverage #11

Open malparty opened 3 weeks ago

malparty commented 3 weeks ago


Automated tests do not cover the core business logic (CSV upload, scraping).


While 100% test coverage is not required for this code challenge, all critical paths of the application should be unit-tested (and, ideally, UI-tested). So the following should be covered:

[!NOTE] There is a bit of a challenge to implement tests for a service that generates HTTP requests. Hence, it is an expected part of the submission for us to assess your skills in writing challenging tests.

macropusgiganteus commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your feedback.

I understand that the core logic should be covered in test.

If I were able to add tests, I would have done the following:

CSV parsing As we discussed in #10, we can refactor the code and move CSV parsing related logic into a separate object. I would create a CSV service object that contains following methods

** CSV files for test will be at test/fixtures

Keyword creation I would create another function process_keyword that meant process a single keyword. Then I would call multiple process_keyword inside a parent function (currently import_csv) Test process_keyword

  1. Test that a keyword is persisted to DB.
  2. Mock scraping result.
  3. Test that a keyword result is persisted to DB.

Keyword scraping Scraping can be split into 2 parts

  1. HTTP client I would mock the http response using webmock and use httparty as the http client.
  2. HTML parsing I would create a service object for HTML parsing that contains following methods:
    • initialize: takes response.body then use Nokogiri::HTML() to parse it into HTML document and set property @document.
    • extract_ads: return CSS selector result for ads element
      • [test] test return the elements when exist
      • [test] test return nil when the elements doesn't exist
    • extract_links return CSS selector result for link element
      • [test] test return the elements when exist
      • [test] test return nil when the elements doesn't exist
    • extract_search_results return CSS selector result for search result stats
      • [test] test return the elements when exist
      • [test] test return nil when the elements doesn't exist

Keyword listing Some are covered in (test/keywords) test/controllers/keywords_controller_test.rb I would add more assertions to ensure that each column of a row contains the correct data matching the test fixtures.

malparty commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your detailed answer 🙏