mactso / Regrowth

Creatures eat/destroy or grow grass as they move around.
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Repopulation #33

Open Atlantispy opened 2 years ago

Atlantispy commented 2 years ago

Plants aren't the only thing in an ecosystem, there are also the animals!

Can a check be run to see if the passive mob cap is reached, and if it isn't, spawn an additional passive mob, perhaps giving priority to ones entities that have already spawned.

This will ensure that if all the animals get killed off in an area regrowth will still occur, because there will be new mobs to plant the saplings and grow the grass.

mactso commented 1 year ago

It's possible to do this but SpawnCapUtility can be used to raise the creature cap from 10 (to 20 or 40) so it is redundant. But it should be easy to add to regrowth so I may add it while I'm in the code anyway.

Atlantispy commented 1 year ago

Just feels like it fits the theme of the mod well