mactso / Regrowth

Creatures eat/destroy or grow grass as they move around.
MIT License
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Villagers not performing their modded function. #44

Open graven04 opened 1 year ago

graven04 commented 1 year ago

Villager are not performing their modded version such as cutting down grass, fixing road or making wall. I don't think there is anything stopping them from doing it based on condition but they are simply not performing these functions. The other parts of this mod are working as pigs are planting saplings and grass is being eaten by sheep.

On top of this the villagers now have name tags that contain their coordinates in as well. This blocks the top part of the trading screen making it unable to see what type of villager it is except for its clothing.

I have enabled all the flags nessasery and turned logging to 1, here is the output in the terminal

[08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Checking Improve Wall. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): try personal fence build. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (2,63,-33): minecraft:villager try road improve. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (2,63,-33): try town wall build. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (2,64,-33): Checking Improve Wall. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (2,63,-33): try personal fence build. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (8,64,19): minecraft:villager try road improve. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (8,64,19): try town wall build. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (8,64,19): Checking Improve Wall. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (8,64,19): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (8,64,19): try personal fence build. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (8,64,19): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (-34,64,-10): minecraft:villager try road improve. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (-34,64,-10): try town wall build. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (-34,64,-10): Checking Improve Wall. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (-34,64,-10): try personal fence build. [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:36] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (21,64,41): Build Wall : gbminecraft:dirt, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): minecraft:villager try road improve. [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): try town wall build. [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): Checking Improve Wall. [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): try personal fence build. [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (21,64,41): Build Wall : gbminecraft:dirt, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,19): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:37] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (21,64,41): Build Wall : gbminecraft:dirt, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:38] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): minecraft:villager try road improve. [08:34:38] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): try town wall build. [08:34:38] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Checking Improve Wall. [08:34:38] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air [08:34:38] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): try personal fence build. [08:34:38] [Server thread/INFO]: L1 (7,64,38): Build Wall : gbminecraft:cobblestone, fb:minecraft:air

My server is running minecraft 1.19.3 and i have downloaded the corresponding mod file for this. I am running a fabric server.

mactso commented 1 year ago

The reason for the names is that you are in debugging mode. When you turn it off they will return to having no names.

That "gb" and "fb" prefix isn't normal.

It should say minecraft:dirt and minecraft:air. It should not say gbminecraft:dirt and fb:minecraft:air .

I suggest deleting the configuration file and regrowth will recreate a default configuration file.

I'll give this a look as well.