mactso / Regrowth

Creatures eat/destroy or grow grass as they move around.
MIT License
1 stars 5 forks source link

[Suggestion] Upload to Modrinth #49

Open nco2k opened 3 months ago

nco2k commented 3 months ago

it would be cool if you could upload your mod to modrinth as well.

mactso commented 3 months ago

I was leery of Modrinth because of Curseforge requirements that they be the sole source but it's becoming clear that many mod authors are going to Modrinth as well as Curseforge so I'm going to look into it. Is there any helpful suggestion on how to get the process started?

I've been struggling with SADS in the winter plus some health issues since last August but I'm recovering finally and winter is ending so the seasonal affective disorder should start reducing.