macumber / openstudio-vA3C

Exporter of OpenStudio Model to vA3C JSON format
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support site and maybe facility level variables #27

Open DavidGoldwasser opened 9 years ago

DavidGoldwasser commented 9 years ago

Now that you support multiple variables it could be cool to use this as a way to have weather bug. I could see temperature, or solar angle or whatever variable I requested related to weather at the same time as I see the rendered 3d view of the data.

The weather bug could be a simple text box showing the value as time changes. Maybe could also do same thing for building level variables.

Here is an example site variable Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature

Here is an example facility variable Facility Total HVAC Electric Demand Power or Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time

Really maybe this approach could be used for any variable that only has a single time series data point, I think this one gives lights globally vs. by zone. In theory if none of the three variable options was a surface or zone variable then you could have three text boxes side by side displaying value as you change the time or day. Lights Electric Power,hourly

I could show a simple mockup of this.

macumber commented 9 years ago

Thanks @DavidGoldwasser , I think allowing Site or Facility variables would be good. The weather bug is a great idea but starts to make the measure interface confusing. Maybe we'd wait until this is integrated in the app for that.