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Newest MacVim crashes instantly #1355

Closed RichardDooling closed 1 year ago

RichardDooling commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

Brew update and brew upgrade to newest MacVim on Ventura 13.0.1

Expected behaviour

gvim from command line launches MacVim

Version of Vim and architecture

macvim: stable 9.0.472 /opt/homebrew/Cellar/macvim/9.0.472_2


Ventura 13.0.1

How MacVim was installed

Brew install macvim

Logs and stack traces

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process:               MacVim [70021]
Path:                  /opt/homebrew/*/
Identifier:            MacVim
Version:               ???
Code Type:             ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        launchd [1]
User ID:               502

Date/Time:             2023-01-09 08:34:40.1186 -0700
OS Version:            macOS 13.0.1 (22A400)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        3CAEC6DD-5BAE-C6B9-9C03-5A12A3B94702

Sleep/Wake UUID:       BF25545E-79CF-4432-88E4-EDC3F3955B73

Time Awake Since Boot: 2500000 seconds
Time Since Wake:       77991 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:        EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000001, 0x00000001a71bb0e0

Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5
Terminating Process:   exc handler [70021]

Vim configuration where issue is reproducable

If I download it seems to work fine, but not the commandline version

Issue has been tested with given configuration

Issue has been tested with no configuration

Other conditions

eirnym commented 1 year ago

Thank you for an issue

Could you confirm that 1) we're speaking about that the latest build is 174 on the GitHub, it's the same as yours? (numbers should be similar somewhere in info or formulae) 2) There's none of plugins is involved (please run with no configuration as shown above)

RichardDooling commented 1 year ago

I just noticed that the version of Xcode I installed 2 days ago says it is for Ventura 13.1 and I have 13.01, so let me upgrade and see if that fixes it. If I run gvim --clean, I get what looks like Vim without the gui. I can't open the gui to look at the build number. I'm not a programmer, just a writer and heavy MacVim user for 20 years. This never happened before :)

RichardDooling commented 1 year ago

Nope. Still crashes. Brew doctor says "ready to brew" I have a feeling its a Homebrew problem. I will try to build from source later today. I've never done that but maybe it's time to learn. Thank you.

eirnym commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your investigation and additional details

RichardDooling commented 1 year ago

If I download from and use mvim instead of gvim it works fine. Something amiss with Brew methinks.

fahasch commented 1 year ago

What happens if you put set guioptions-=e in the configuration file .gvimrc? It might be related to the issue 1333.

RichardDooling commented 1 year ago

Yep, that fixes it. But the tabline is so ugly I think I'll just keep using the .dmg version until the other gets fixed. Thank you.

fahasch commented 1 year ago

As an alternative, you could also execute brew install --HEAD macvim to compile the latest version where the issue has been fixed.

RichardDooling commented 1 year ago

That works too.. Thank you very much.

itwondersteam commented 1 year ago

has an error when using --HEAD to build

$ brew install --HEAD macvim  

Warning: Treating macvim as a formula. For the cask, use homebrew/cask/macvim
==> Fetching macvim
==> Cloning
Updating /Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Homebrew/macvim--git
==> Checking out branch master
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
HEAD is now at 17f3c3ddf Merge pull request #1356 from ychin/coretext-rendering-fixes-composing-chars-clipping
==> ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-multibyte --enable-perlinterp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-tclinterp --enable-terminal --with-tlib=ncurses --with-compiledby=Homebrew --with-local-dir=/opt/homebrew -
==> make
Last 15 lines from /Users/<user>/Library/Logs/Homebrew/macvim/02.make:
  6   _dispatch_client_callout (in libdispatch.dylib)
  7   _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete (in libdispatch.dylib)
  8   DVTDispatchBarrierSync (in DVTFoundation)
  9   -[DVTDispatchLock performLockedBlock:] (in DVTFoundation)
 10   -[DVTExtension _valueForKey:inParameterData:usingSchema:assertingOnError:error:] (in DVTFoundation)
 11   -[DVTExtension valueForKey:] (in DVTFoundation)
 12   _IDEInitializeOnePlugInAndPrerequisites (in IDEFoundation)
 13   _IDEInitializePlugIns (in IDEFoundation)
 14   __IDEInitialize_block_invoke (in IDEFoundation)
 15   IDESetSafeToLoadDeveloperSystemFrameworks (in IDEFoundation)
 16   -[Xcode3CommandLineBuildTool run] (in Xcode3Core)
 17   XcodeBuildMain (in libxcodebuildLoader.dylib)
 18   start (in dyld)
make[1]: *** [macvim] Abort trap: 6
make: *** [first] Error 2

git head is at

*   commit 17f3c3ddf445575a290b1070f03633137bd99352 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
ychin commented 1 year ago

Hmm, i'm not 100% sure. You could build from scratch by cloning the GitHub repo, but an easier way is that I'm prepping a release right now and typing up the release notes and doing some final checks. If you don't mind waiting a few days it should make its way to Homebrew once I make the release.

ychin commented 1 year ago

I just pushed a new release. Feel free to grab it. If you are using Homebrew still, they should get updated to the new release soon. Let me know if it's still crashing.

ychin commented 1 year ago

I'm closing for now. If it's for some reason still crashing we can reopen this.

RichardDooling commented 1 year ago

I will test this as soon as it appears via Homebrew. Thank you so much.

Rick Dooling

On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 2:19 PM Yee Cheng Chin @.***> wrote:

I'm closing for now. If it's for some reason still crashing we can reopen this.

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