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unable to enter directories in ~/library #1481

Open EricEWeir opened 4 months ago

EricEWeir commented 4 months ago

I just posted this to Mac_Vim:

I’m a non-coding, non-developer coming back to vim primarily as a writer after several years away. I once had a comfortable configuration developed with a lot of help from people at mac-vim and at vim_use.

I would like to create and edit files in directories in ~/library/mobile documents. I get a listing of directories in ~/library but am unable to enter any of them. Wondering if I’d even be able to open files if I could.

When I run vim in terminal I do not have this problem.

I'm not competent to diagnose this problem and fix it. I sought help with it on the vim subreddit. Users there in a similar Mac environments reported they don't have the problem.

Help greatly appreciated.