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Large white space in the student link section #1

Open farishkash opened 7 years ago

farishkash commented 7 years ago

What is happening here is you have in your studenk-link css a fixed width which is causing this to happen. Screenshot attached.


The green space is the white screen I have in monitor. The rest of the website works fine it is just this part here.

When I uncheck that width in the chrome dev tools the site scales better in this section but further minor adjustments will be needed.


maczter commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I was torn on how to handle that since the wireframes specified a fixed width for that column.

farishkash commented 7 years ago

I just looked over the spec, it isn't clear, the width states 35 percent and then below 423.

I believe the 423 is for the box itself and 35 percent is the percentage of space that is taken up.

Either way I will let them know that because I can see that to be very confusing.