madMAx43v3r / chia-gigahorse

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Setting up a Harvester? #158

Open Anthony601472 opened 1 year ago

Anthony601472 commented 1 year ago


I was wondering if anybody has a guide for setting up a harvester to farm Gigahorse plots?

I tried setting it up, but when I open the Chia GUI it doesn't show my XCH from the wallet even though the wallet is the same and the main Farmer PC is not seeing the harvester.

Anyone point me in the right direction?

Cathayan0 commented 1 year ago
  1. Gigahorse plots do not work with Chia GUI. You should farm with gigahorse farm.exe
  2. Harvester doesn't have to sync with the database as the node does. So, the XCH wallet is not showing.
  3. If you are not seeing the harvester, you may want to adjust your UPNP setting. There are a lot of tutorials on Google.
Anthony601472 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the help :)

I am using the gigahorse farm and only using the GUI to see the farming visually. I have googled on how to setup a harvester for chia gigahorse but couldn't find anything directly to that.

So I'm assuming it's similar steps as the standard harvester setup, except editing the files in the gigahorse directly?

I guess I'm just asking how to confirm that the harvester is setup correctly.

As for the UPNP settings according to this we should be turning UPNP off in chia when setting up a harvester?

Cathayan0 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Anthony. If your OG chia client setting works fine, the gigahorse should be okay.

  1. Confirm the OG chia client is farming with your node and your harvester.
  2. Use "stop_all" in gigahorse folder before starting farming.
  3. Use "farm" in gigahorse folder with your Node.
  4. Use "harvester" in gigahorse folder with your harvester.

You can share your LOG in log folder in chia with us. So we can know your case better.

Anthony601472 commented 1 year ago

Hi Guys,

So got the harvester to be recognised by the main node, but I can't seem to get the plots to be recognised by the Harvester in Config.yaml. Harvester1

so in the attached pic you can see that the harvester is connected but no plots.

I tried adding plot directories in the config file but I keep getting errors. I think my mapping of drives might be off. So If I got a NAS which is mapped in my network drive as \\Chia2 then the harvester goes nuts. So Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Might be a simple Syntax error config file plot directory

Cathayan0 commented 1 year ago

Hi Guys,

So got the harvester to be recognised by the main node, but I can't seem to get the plots to be recognised by the Harvester in Config.yaml. Harvester1

so in the attached pic you can see that the harvester is connected but no plots.

I tried adding plot directories in the config file but I keep getting errors. I think my mapping of drives might be off. So If I got a NAS which is mapped in my network drive as \\Chia2 then the harvester goes nuts. So Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Might be a simple Syntax error config file plot directory

What are the errors when you tried adding plot directories? I cannot see your plot destination in your config.yaml. I don't see a point in connecting other NAS to the harvester nor Node. It doesn't make too much sense.

Can you share the log to us from your node and the harvester?

zhurakovsky01 commented 1 year ago

Did you initialize the CA certificates (farmer) on the harvester?

Anthony601472 commented 1 year ago

Hi guys,

Got it working, stupidly I was using a NUC to harvest in OG chia plots and forgot that a GPU is needed to decode the plots. The NUC was crashing before it even started harvesting.

So I got it working but the IGPU has only 3GB being used. I have attached the log file and it starts ok but then slowly bogs down and stops harvesting.



  1. I know this is most likely a NO, but am I able to force the IGPU to use all 8GB (as shown in the pic)?
  2. The NUC has 16GB Ram in one slot and I do have another slot where I can add another 16GB RAM, I know you can't increase the VRAM by adding more RAM but can the RAM be used to decode the plots (plots are c8) I like the NUC as it is quite and uses less electricity.
  3. I have 3 3070s 1 3070Ti and 1 3090 and an RTX 580 (I'm using the 3090 to plot) but any recommendations on how to setup my harvesters to get the best results. Setup multiple PCs as harvesters? Thanks for your help guys much appreciated. :) debug.log
madMAx43v3r commented 1 year ago

C8 only needs 3 GB VRAM, there's no need to make it use more.

NewSunSEO commented 1 year ago

Did you initialize the CA certificates (farmer) on the harvester?

I've been trying to initialize the CA certificates, but I keep getting errors. I've tried several combinations without luck. I am trying to get this to work using Gigahorse.

This was successful: scp -r /home/chia/.chia/mainnet/config/ssl/ca chia@

chia@harvester-01:~$ ./chia.bin init -c ca -bash: ./chia.bin: No such file or directory chia@harvester-01:~$ ./chia init -c ca -bash: ./chia: No such file or directory chia@harvester-01:~$ chia init -c ca -bash: ./chia.bin: No such file or directory chia@harvester-01:~$ chia init -bash: ./chia.bin: No such file or directory chia@harvester-01:~$ ./chia.bin init -bash: ./chia.bin: No such file or directory

But I cannot get the CA certificates to initialize. Does anyone know how to do this on Gigahorse? I've tried this in the chia@harvester-01:~/chia-gigahorse-farmer$ cd ~ chia@harvester-01:~$ ls ca chia-gigahorse-farmer Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public scripts snap Templates Videos

ddubick commented 1 year ago

The error is literally in your paste... '-bash: ./chia: No such file or directory' It can't find your chia executable.

I would guess you're not in the chia directory if you're calling it directly.

Also the 'ca' after '-c' is a directory name so unless you're in the same directory as the ca directory you will have to specify it.

NewSunSEO commented 1 year ago

I followed Jam with Chia Decentral's video about how to do this. I don't think he was using MadMax Gigahorse, but the commands are similar. I copied the CA folder successfully. But trying the chia init command would not work. Not in the root, not in the ~/chia-gigahorse-farmer$ directory either. I tried all those variations in both places. I think I even tried running those commands in all these directories too: /home/chia/.chia/mainnet/config/ssl/ca but nothing worked. I might not have run EVERY version in EVERY one of those directories, because around that point I decided to try reaching out for help with this. I figured if I kept running commands that I did not know what they might do in multiple folders, that I might create additional problems for myself haha.... So I'm hoping to find someone who's done this before that can point me in the right direction.

Thank you for your reply.

ddubick commented 1 year ago

From the information you've given... Seems like you scp copied your ca folder to /home/chia/ca? And you state that your chia-gigahorse-farmer folder is also in your home folder. So run ~/chia-gigahorse-farmer/chia.bin init -c ~/ca

NewSunSEO commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your input. I have a new H710 card in IT mode coming tomorrow. I will setup this 2nd R720XD & try what you shared.

Thank you!