madMAx43v3r / chia-gigahorse

220 stars 32 forks source link

[BUG] wallet is not syncing... #205

Closed nicezic closed 10 months ago

nicezic commented 10 months ago

I noticed wallet is not synced...

so, I deleted wallet db dirs. after restarting wallet.

stop syncing ...

-rw-r--r-- 1 chia chia 6533120  9월 12 17:41 blockchain_wallet_v2_r1_mainnet_1149317241.sqlite
-rw-r--r-- 1 chia chia   32768  9월 12 17:41 blockchain_wallet_v2_r1_mainnet_1149317241.sqlite-shm
-rw-r--r-- 1 chia chia 6002872  9월 12 17:41 blockchain_wallet_v2_r1_mainnet_1149317241.sqlite-wal
-rw-rw-r-- 1 chia chia      10  9월 12 17:41 last_used_fingerprint
Wallet height: 4219479
Sync status: Not synced

Type      IP                                      Ports       NodeID      Last Connect      MiB Up|Dwn
FULL_NODE                                8444/8444  06e5c2bc... Sep 12 17:44:08      0.4|31.1
                                                  -Height: No Info    -Hash: No Info    -Trusted: True

after restarting... same... delete wallet dir and restart same.. same... same.. same.. same...

of course... full node is synced.

Network: mainnet    Port: 8444   RPC Port: 8555
Node ID: 06e5c2bce50b5be52c5e15fa75f95e560695ec5e0814345f0c8bb3a78893e380
Genesis Challenge: ccd5bb71183532bff220ba46c268991a3ff07eb358e8255a65c30a2dce0e5fbb
Current Blockchain Status: Full Node Synced

Peak: Hash: 96262a9b9d47819200ce3e02b500af7edf3e1cfbb83e77c0e4c3406aa01a2561
      Time: Tue Sep 12 2023 17:39:40 KST                  Height:    4219480

Estimated network space: 28.334 EiB
Current difficulty: 2640
Current VDF sub_slot_iters: 147849216
nicezic commented 10 months ago

It's same when using official chia 2.0.1. I issued there too.

nicezic commented 10 months ago

I deleted a whole ~/.chia dir, and reinstalled. Now it's sycning.