madMAx43v3r / chia-gigahorse

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Ryzen 7 5800X 128 GB RAM RTX 3070 NVMe 4Gen and 10 min plotting time? What do I do wrong? #237

Open valentosnik opened 7 months ago

valentosnik commented 7 months ago

.\cuda_plot_k32.exe -n -1 -C 18 -M 64 -S 2 -t Z:/Tmp/ -2 Z:/Tmp/ -d -c -f Crafting plot 18 out of -1 (2023/11/15 22:33:10) Process ID: 7036 Pool Puzzle Hash: 6e57274b40aeea2fa63e41fadbebb0a1a025f14cfe24c39aad27e1f37b97df13 Farmer Public Key: a37487b1e40ae0bc05caf932f01164aee361aa49b6de9758fedb7f380204c61648175c9bfc40f5bfd7bbfb6a5533fd11 Working Directory: Z:/Tmp/ Working Directory 2: Z:/Tmp/ Compression Level: C18 Plot Name: plot-k32-c18-2023-11-15-22-33-8129d42d23b97f5fc2570e832982f1c3f1684d3da9f18e6b01a3d8f46e144973 [P1] Setup took 0.408 sec [P1] Table 1 took 4.449 sec, 4294967296 entries, 16790658 max, 66765 tmp, 0 GB/s up, 7.41745 GB/s down [P1] Table 2 took 8.221 sec, 4294820915 entries, 16787324 max, 66836 tmp, 3.89247 GB/s up, 6.52296 GB/s down Waiting for disk flush to complete ... Flushing to disk took 16.017 sec Started copy to S:/NFT/plot-k32-c18-2023-11-15-22-22-592ad38bbc1ae60b34c43cd00372fa389459fa2ff57ee68756042a643632ea8c.plot [P1] Table 3 took 12.715 sec, 4294562155 entries, 16786205 max, 66772 tmp, 4.08952 GB/s up, 7.13726 GB/s down [P1] Table 4 took 181.179 sec, 4294066407 entries, 16785936 max, 66618 tmp, 0.485662 GB/s up, 0.637492 GB/s down [P1] Table 5 took 184.709 sec, 4293046166 entries, 16779584 max, 66647 tmp, 0.606232 GB/s up, 0.625309 GB/s down [P1] Table 6 took 83.345 sec, 4291076712 entries, 16770735 max, 66571 tmp, 0.959436 GB/s up, 1.18784 GB/s down Renamed final plot to S:/NFT/plot-k32-c18-2023-11-15-22-22-592ad38bbc1ae60b34c43cd00372fa389459fa2ff57ee68756042a643632ea8c.plot [P1] Table 7 took 39.444 sec, 4287089890 entries, 16757735 max, 66627 tmp, 1.62108 GB/s up, 1.15037 GB/s down Phase 1 took 525.172 sec [P2] Setup took 0.196 sec [P2] Table 7 took 12.939 sec, 2.46861 GB/s up, 0.039249 GB/s down [P2] Table 6 took 8.966 sec, 3.56581 GB/s up, 0.056641 GB/s down Phase 2 took 22.172 sec [P3] Setup took 0.248 sec [P3] Table 5 LPSK took 10.909 sec, 3530415975 entries, 13865988 max, 55052 tmp, 2.9786 GB/s up, 4.15943 GB/s down [P3] Table 5 NSK took 6.522 sec, 3530415975 entries, 13805886 max, 55052 tmp, 5.54546 GB/s up, 9.03664 GB/s down [P3] Table 6 PDSK took 21.393 sec, 3709216576 entries, 14510921 max, 57649 tmp, 1.5182 GB/s up, 2.12103 GB/s down [P3] Table 6 LPSK took 7.537 sec, 3709216576 entries, 15087183 max, 60736 tmp, 8.53163 GB/s up, 6.56763 GB/s down [P3] Table 6 NSK took 7.09 sec, 3709216576 entries, 14499482 max, 59892 tmp, 5.84679 GB/s up, 8.31269 GB/s down [P3] Table 7 PDSK took 16.61 sec, 4287089890 entries, 16766259 max, 66627 tmp, 2.64415 GB/s up, 2.7318 GB/s down [P3] Table 7 LPSK took 8.475 sec, 4287089890 entries, 17202216 max, 68841 tmp, 8.44308 GB/s up, 6.38277 GB/s down [P3] Table 7 NSK took 8.15 sec, 4287089890 entries, 16757735 max, 68292 tmp, 5.87877 GB/s up, 7.6073 GB/s down Phase 3 took 87.008 sec [P4] Setup took 0.063 sec [P4] total_p7_parks = 2093306 [P4] total_c3_parks = 428708, 2385 / 2456 ANS bytes Phase 4 took 4.024 sec, 7.9377 GB/s up, 4.34381 GB/s down Total plot creation time was 638.423 sec (10.6404 min)

valentosnik commented 7 months ago

What can I do to accelerate P1 Table 4 to 6? Why is it so slowly?

madMAx43v3r commented 7 months ago

Most likely NVMe bottleneck and Windows.

valentosnik commented 7 months ago

Thank you Max. When I start Windows it takes directly 24 GB RAM. What can it be and how to avoid this? I geuss, that these 20 GB to much for windows goes to the NVMe and slow down the whole plotting process...

madMAx43v3r commented 7 months ago

you probably have too much stuff installed thats auto-starting at boot