madMAx43v3r / chia-gigahorse

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sending to plot_sink EOF error #287

Closed romka1977 closed 3 months ago

romka1977 commented 3 months ago

plotting to plot_sink results in error:

./cuda_plot_k32_v3 -n 1 -f b46788<...>fbd1 -c xch1<...>yv7k -t /tmp3/chia/tmp/  -d @ -S 2 -C 33

Started copy to @<....>33f3.plot
Copy to @<...>33f3.plot failed with: recv() failed with: EOF
madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

Did you update plot sink to latest version? Also what is the terminal output on plot sink?

romka1977 commented 3 months ago

yes, plotsink was downloaded yesterday (along with the farmer and plotter). recompute works fine on the same remote ( telnet from plotter machine to 1337 is working (have a prompt) plotsink terminal is:

Final Directory: /mnt/d/chia/plots_comp/ (77 GiB free)
Final Directory: /mnt/e/chia/plots_comp/ (109 GiB free)
Final Directory: /mnt/f/chia/plots_comp/ (106 GiB free)
Final Directory: /mnt/g/chia/plots_comp/ (122 GiB free)
Final Directory: /mnt/h/chia/plots_comp/ (122 GiB free)
Listening on

silent after that

madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

is that while plotting, ie. the plotter is trying to send plots? Did you use the correct IP in the plotter?

romka1977 commented 3 months ago

yes, while plotting. (command line is in the original post) IP is correct. I tried with incorrect IP - the error is different in this case (didnt capture it but it didnt have EOF) Essentially plotter is trying to send it periodically to that remote sink with the same error.

(currently im plotting with multiple -d's as a workaround. not using sink)

madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

Can you try the old version here:

madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

You're not using WSL or anything?

romka1977 commented 3 months ago

i can try

i use WSL, however recompute works fine in the same VM

madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

maybe try a different port for plot sink then

romka1977 commented 3 months ago

ok, how do i specify the arbitrary sink port in plotter cli? @ IP:PORT ?

madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

yes @IP:PORT

romka1977 commented 3 months ago

seems to be an issue with specifying the port:

./cuda_plot_k32_v3 -n 1 -f b467<...>1a11fbd1 -c xch1<...>gjyv7k -t /tmp3/chia/tmp/ -d @ -S 3 -C 32 & 


Started copy to @<...>1640.plot
Copy to @<...>1640.plot failed with: could not resolve: ''
Started copy to @<...>1640.plot
Copy to @<...>1640.plot failed with: could not resolve: ''
madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

Ah sorry, yes need to use -z <port> instead.

romka1977 commented 3 months ago

tried 11990 - doesnt work. I resorted to windows sink on the host machine and it works on default port. Anyways, thanks for your time, im done now

madMAx43v3r commented 3 months ago

yeah probably some WSL issue