madand / pentadactyl-pm

Pentadactyl for Pale Moon | New official repo is here
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Stops working on Pale Moon 28.5.0 #7

Open zhihaoy opened 5 years ago

zhihaoy commented 5 years ago

On Windows.

john-x commented 5 years ago

No longer works on Linux* either. The add-ons manager shows it enabled but all the functions are completely absent (as if it was disabled).

*crunchbang 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-3+deb9u6 (2018-10-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux

BillyIII commented 5 years ago

Quick and dirty fix, works for me. EDIT: RIP formatting.

diff --git a/common/content/dactyl.js b/common/content/dactyl.js
index 0b675140..28d57b36 100644
--- a/common/content/dactyl.js
+++ b/common/content/dactyl.js
@@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@ var Dactyl = Module("dactyl", XPCOM(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, ModuleBase), {
         dactyl.log(_("dactyl.modulesLoaded"), 3);

         userContext.DOM = Class("DOM", DOM, {
-            init(sel, ctxt) {
+            init: function init(sel, ctxt) {
                 return DOM(sel, ctxt || buffer.focusedFrame.document);
diff --git a/common/content/mow.js b/common/content/mow.js
index 49cb5c4d..e8eafbbd 100644
--- a/common/content/mow.js
+++ b/common/content/mow.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 "use strict";

 var MOW = Module("mow", {
-    init() {
+    init: function init() {
         let proxy = new Proxy(this, {
             get(target, prop, receiver) {
                 if (prop in target)
diff --git a/common/modules/base.jsm b/common/modules/base.jsm
index eef3ae1e..64a8a4a4 100644
--- a/common/modules/base.jsm
+++ b/common/modules/base.jsm
@@ -909,6 +909,18 @@ function Class(...args) {
     if (callable(args[0]))
         superclass = args.shift();

+    // dump('\nname -----------------------\n');
+    // dump(name);
+    // dump('\nargs -----------------------\n');
+    // try { dump(args); } catch(e) { dump('ERROR ' + e); }
+    // dump('\ninit -----------------------\n');
+    // try { dump(Class.prototype.init); } catch(e) { dump('ERROR ' + e); }
+    // dump('\nexec ');
+    // try { dump(/^function .*?\((.*?)\)/
+    //            .exec(args[0] && args[0].init || Class.prototype.init));
+    //     } catch(e) { dump('ERROR ' + e); }
+    // dump('\n');
     var Constructor = eval(String.replace('\n\
         (function constructor(PARAMS) {                      \n\
             var self = Object.create(Constructor.prototype); \n\
@@ -1815,7 +1827,7 @@ update(iter, {

 var Iter = Class("Iter", {
-    init(iter) {
+    init: function init(iter) {
         this.iter = iter;
         if (!(Symbol.iterator in iter) && "__iterator__" in iter)
             this.iter = iter.__iterator__();
diff --git a/common/modules/commands.jsm b/common/modules/commands.jsm
index 39e97913..3cf049c3 100644
--- a/common/modules/commands.jsm
+++ b/common/modules/commands.jsm
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ var Ex = Module("Ex", {

     commands: null,

-    init() {
+    init: function init() {
         let proxy = new Proxy(this, {
             get(target, prop, receiver) {
                 if (prop === "isProxy")
TimB87 commented 5 years ago

This patch works for me, thanks @BillyIII

the-elven-archer commented 5 years ago

Patch worked perfectly, thanks @BillyIII

pizdjuk commented 5 years ago

works for me too. waiting for the "production-quality" patch :D:D:D

jackrosenthal commented 5 years ago

Pentadactyl lives to see another day! Thank you =)

Think you can submit a pull request?

palemoonrider commented 5 years ago

Newbie here. Could somebody please tell me how to actually apply the patch? Is it a piece of JavaScript I need to run, if so where? Or is there some file I need to replace with this, again, if so, where?

Many thanks guys (only using PaleMoon because of pentadactyl since demise of vimperator)

xaizek commented 5 years ago

@palemoonrider, you can just clone which contains this patch with additional changes in the master branch. Then follow instructions for building xpi given in the README.

palemoonrider commented 5 years ago

@palemoonrider, you can just clone which contains this patch with additional changes in the master branch. Then follow instructions for building xpi given in the README.

xalzek, thanks for the speedy reply.

I followed the instructions and built the .xpi. I then opened it manually from within Palemoon and it seems to have added the addon successfully in the Add-ons Manager. However, keys still don't seem to have any Vim functionality. Don't know if you have any further ideas but thanks anyway.

Using Ubuntu.


Ignore the above. I cloned the old source instead of the updated one. Everything working fine now. Thanks once again!