madchatter / mad_chatter

Mad Chatter is a fun, easy to customize chat server written in Ruby utilizing HTML 5 Server Sent Events
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Autolinking URL's #12

Open kethomassen opened 11 years ago

kethomassen commented 11 years ago


All URL's in messages should be autolinked using autolink.js, and images displayed inline.

Example implementation

// Input
"This is a link to image and just a plain ol' link".autoLink({
  callback: function(url) {
    return /\.(gif|png|jpe?g)$/i.test(url) ? '<img src="' + url + '">' : null;
  target: "_blank"

// Output
"This is a link to image <img src=''> and just a plain ol' link <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"


Have images display underneath the text, like HipChat, etc.


andrewhavens commented 11 years ago

Cool, didn't know about that little javascript library. Would you prefer this to happen on the client side instead of on the server side? I was originally planning to handle this sort of thing server-side.

kethomassen commented 11 years ago

@andrewhavens Client side would probably be the best way. There is, but it doesn't render images and doesn't have as much extensibility as the javascript implementation.

andrewhavens commented 11 years ago

I was planning to store the message as both the original text and formatted html, that way I could allow custom formatted messages. Maybe this isn't a necessary feature though.

kethomassen commented 11 years ago

Storing the text unformatted, and sending the rendered version to the client when needed would probably be the best way. @andrewhavens

Send Message -> Store in database plain -> Send back rendered -> Display to clients

andrewhavens commented 11 years ago

My original plan was to do something like this:

  1. Receive message
  2. Run through array of message processors/formatters
  3. Store plain text and formatted html
  4. Send message (text and html) to all clients
  5. Run though array of message callbacks

When someone enters a room or fetches old messages, the messages that are stored in the database already have the formatted HTML. So there's no additional processing that needs to be done. On the client side, when a message is received, it's appended to the chat room.

Example scenarios:

What do you think of that?