madcowfred / padherder-issues

PADherder issues only
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Suggestion: Set Organization #549

Open jpslayug opened 9 years ago

jpslayug commented 9 years ago

Hi Freddie,

First, I just have to say that PadHerder is awesome! I really appreciate all the work you've put into making this a wonderful tool for us PaD players - I almost can't picture playing PaD without it! :)

Here are a couple suggestions for your consideration for the 'Sets' page.

Examples: A. Descend Heras: Ur, Is, Beorc, Sowilo, Regular B. Descend Zeus : Vulcan, Mercury, Dios, Olympios, Stratios C. Descend LowCost 1 : Draggie, Tengu, Light Xuanzang, Dark Xuanzang, Gaia, D. Descend TypeRestricted: Zhang Fei, Guan Yinping E. Descend AttributeRestricted: Noah, Kanetsugu F. Descend OrbRestricted: Takeminakata, Satan, Mephisto E. Descend Pairs Light Izanami, Dark Izanami, Thoth, Sopdet F. Descend General 1: Goemon, Beelzebub, Athena, Heracles,

I think it'd be great if the REM-only offerings were more clearly grouped together for better organization and presentation.
The god-types are nicely organized. A section containing non-god-type-REM-offerings like Valkyries, Misc REM, Dragon Swordsmen, Riders, Sengoku, Pad Z, Wizards, Fairy Tale, Hello Kitty, DC, Batman, Evangelion, and Sticker girls would be great too for tracking. The Late Bloomers / Fruit / Toy Dragon sets all have a way to obtain them aside from the REM (special rare gift dungeons, very rare drops in Descends), so those are technically farmable.

These are just some ideas. Have a great day! J.P. (Growlanser@PF).

blvcksvn commented 9 years ago

Some improvements to your suggestions to include the most recent Descends:

A. Descended Hera: Ur, Is, Beorc, Sowilo, Regular B. Descended Zeus : Vulcan, Mercury, Dios, Olympios, Stratios (Branching ult may cause an issue) C. Descended Classic: Goemon, Satan, Heracles, Athena, Beelzebub D. Descended Low Cost 1: Draggie, Tengu, Gaia, Light Xuanzang, Dark Xuanzang E. Descended Restricted 1: Guan Yinping, Wadatsumi, Zhang Fei, Kanetsugu, Dragon Zombie F. Descended Restricted 2: Takeminakata, Noah, Sandalphon, Mephistopheles, Gravis G. Descended Sets 1: Theurgia, Paulina, Almadel, Sopdet, Thoth H. Descended Sets 2: Light Izanami, Dark Izanami I. Descended Pairing: Cauchemar, Zhao Yun, Medjed

As for the farmable "REM" dragons, they should are fine as they are since they are primarily REM monsters. However, there should be a clearer distinction between monsters that do and do not come from the REM. Everything from Elementals to Wizards and Fairy Tale should be in column 2. Everything in column 2 except Late Bloomer, Toy, Fruit, and Swordsmen should be in column 2. Valk should be in column 2. Sticker Girls are now part of regular REM, so column 2. BMeta should be in column 4 as it's a limited time monster.