maddev-engenuity / AdversaryEmulation

MAD ATT&CK Defender: ATT&CK Adversary Emulation Repository
Apache License 2.0
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Improve Lab Setup Process #40

Open bluesentinelsec opened 2 years ago

bluesentinelsec commented 2 years ago

Presently our setup procedure has students cloning the repo and running shell scripts.

We would like to elevate the process to utilize a more professional solution, such as Vagrant and Packer.

The desired end state is for students to be able to stand up our lab environment in a trivial number of steps, for example:

vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

See DetectionLab for example implementations:

bluesentinelsec commented 2 years ago

This feature is presently on hold, as we are presently focused on launching the course.

activeshadow commented 2 years ago

@bluesentinelsec FYI, I've developed a Packer config for the Windows Server VM used in this lab. I can share it with you if you like.

I'm building out an experiment config for this lab using an orchestration platform I develop and maintain called phenix (which drives minimega if you're familiar with that), which is why I built the Packer config.

activeshadow commented 2 years ago

@bluesentinelsec FYSA, you can find my Packer config here.