maddevsio / mad-telegram-standup-bot

Telegram Bot for asynchronous standups meetings
MIT License
11 stars 7 forks source link

Proofread translations #45

Open anatoliyfedorenko opened 5 years ago

anatoliyfedorenko commented 5 years ago

Стендап принят, но позволь дать советы:

  • seems like standups does not contain any prolem or blocker. Remember that problems help us grow. No problems == no development. Dont hesitate to report them
  • seems like standups does not contain any questions. Internship is made up of questions, so ask as many as you can!
  • seems like standups does not contain any tags. If you want your mentors to notice you, tag them right away!
  • seems like standups does not contain any links, that means that probably no work was done or no research was conducted. Poor you.
  • seems like standups does is either small or too large. Appropriate size is about 80 - 200 words.

This message as well as many other translations contains a lot grammar and spelling mistakes. Need to fix them all in both languages