Until last night it was working with no problem, but today it started to crash the server. When I restart the server discord bot switches on then switches off and crash the server after some minutes. What would be the problem?
[07/14/23 12:10:52] [ERROR] Can't write to Discord websocket gateway: Bir is parçacigi çikisi veya bir uygulama istegi nedeniyle G/Ç islemi iptal edildi (995)
[07/14/23 12:10:52] [ERROR] Can't write to Discord websocket gateway: Bir is parçacigi çikisi veya bir uygulama istegi nedeniyle G/Ç islemi iptal edildi (995)
[07/14/23 12:11:06] [ERROR] Can't establish secured connection to Discord gateway: The socket was closed due to a timeout (1)
[07/14/23 12:11:37] [ERROR] Can't establish secured connection to Discord gateway: The socket was closed due to a timeout (1)
[07/14/23 12:12:12] [ERROR] Can't connect to Discord gateway: The socket was closed due to a timeout (1)
[07/14/23 12:16:58] [ERROR] Can't establish secured connection to Discord API: Baglanilan uygun olarak belli bir süre içinde yanit vermediginden veya kurulan
baglanti baglanilan ana bilgisayar yanit vermediginden bir baglanti kurulamadi (10060)
[07/14/23 15:11:01] [ERROR] Discord terminated websocket connection; reason: (0)
[07/14/23 15:11:01] [ERROR] Can't write to Discord websocket gateway: Bir is parçacigi çikisi veya bir uygulama istegi nedeniyle G/Ç islemi iptal edildi (995)
[07/14/23 15:11:35] [ERROR] Can't establish secured connection to Discord gateway: The socket was closed due to a timeout (1)
[07/14/23 15:19:58] [ERROR] Discord terminated websocket connection; reason: (0)
[07/14/23 15:19:58] [ERROR] Can't write to Discord websocket gateway: Bir is parçacigi çikisi veya bir uygulama istegi nedeniyle G/Ç islemi iptal edildi (995)
[07/14/23 15:23:51] [ERROR] Discord terminated websocket connection; reason: (0)
[07/14/23 15:23:51] [ERROR] Can't write to Discord websocket gateway: Bir is parçacigi çikisi veya bir uygulama istegi nedeniyle G/Ç islemi iptal edildi (995)
[07/14/23 15:36:17] [ERROR] Can't write to Discord websocket gateway: Bir is parçacigi çikisi veya bir uygulama istegi nedeniyle G/Ç islemi iptal edildi (995)
Until last night it was working with no problem, but today it started to crash the server. When I restart the server discord bot switches on then switches off and crash the server after some minutes. What would be the problem?
Thanks for your help.