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Cool Features Videos for WoofJS #132

Open truthgoddess opened 5 years ago

truthgoddess commented 5 years ago

I'm working now on putting more comments in our tools menu, and many of the tools I found aren't listed in Codemirror documentation, nor have I used them.

For example, I didn't know that CTRL-LeftMouse could place multiple cursors, nor how to use CTRL-F in combination with CTRL-D to quickly find and replace occurrences.

I believe there are many things like this and not like this that are very cool features of Woof or very good offerings of our company that we could showcase by making video demos of the program working. Easy enough to make happen, I believe, although we might need a 'power' computer in our future office used for video making etc.

Another thought: when we are making woof or other curriculum projects, and we want to teach a coding topic that might be tricky, we can make a quick video and include it in the project steps. Yes, the video might be slightly noisy, but if they are well made, everyone will hear a quick coding teaching multiple times, reinforcing certain coding issues. It is also kind of like what does.