made-by-chris / deface

browser extension - Minimal Facebook chat without any distractions
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Annoying bugs and ideas #1

Open adrian3d opened 10 years ago

adrian3d commented 10 years ago

Hello. Scuse my english, I'm french.

I see a bug on the firefox plugin.

When I am on a page with an url which contain "facebook" whithout to be on facebook, scroll desappear.

And more, if there is possibility to search and accept "friend request", i would be fun !

In a nutshell, it's actually impossible to connect to Facebook without disable plugin, it's a pity.

Thanks for this plugin, it's great !

Bye !

made-by-chris commented 10 years ago

hey merci d'avoir essayé mon addon :) C'etait le vieux modèle que t'avais essayé je crois. Maintenant j'ai renouvelé le version sur github et le page 'firefox addons', et j'ai presque le version chrome. J'ai reparrer le scrolling, et Je crois que je vais par défaut le logiciel desactivé au début. Qu'est-ce que t'en pense? :) Essaie de le telecharger a nouveau! :) A la fin du Jour, c'est toujours en development et j'ai l'intention de l'avoir dans un etat sufficient apres quelques semaines. Merci! j'attends tes futures conseils avec impatience. chris

adrian3d commented 10 years ago

Are you french ? I thinked no, but it's beautifully written. :)

Thanks for your answer.

I download the last version and it's really better. It's miss the possibility to see message's notfications and friends requests and it will be perfect.

Personnally, I leaved facebook but the chat miss me. Your addon is great because IM clients like Pidgin could'nt receive offline messages.

If you would an help for the developpment, don'thesitate to ask me. (i'm web developper, it's my job)

I wiil show your addon to my friends.

Bye !

made-by-chris commented 10 years ago

thanks man! ^ ^ je ferai des experiences pour pouvoir voir des notifications plus facilement. Tu t'es rendu compte que tu peux clicker sur le 'd' icon a gauche? comme ca on peux vite fait faire un coup d'oeille a facebook pour lire des notifications. C'est pas parfait, mais c'est meilleur que rien pour l'instant. merci encore! non je suis anglais :P Au sujet de developpement, t'as deja jouer avec des extensions firefox et chrome? mon prochain but c'est de limiter le frequence de pouvoir regarder facebook avec toggle icon par jour a 3 fois. Mais pour le realiser, il faut que j'apprends le local storage, eventlisteners, et 'api messaging'. . mais ca viendra..

adrian3d commented 10 years ago

Hello !

I will continue to writing in english in order to training me.

Yes I see that I could disable the addon with the icon at the left, it's great !

I never play with Firefox or Chrome addons, but I see it's javascript with specifities, no ?

made-by-chris commented 10 years ago

Cool, let's speak English.

yes it is basically a 'framework' built on javascript, with extra modules/prototypes.

Can you maybe help me with this bug? I'm trying to add a 'setTimeout' to the onclick of the icon . How would you write it? When I write it like this ( at the bottom ) - it does not work. I think it is because of all the escaping \" \' shit :P