madebyraygun / trending-posts

Trending Posts for Craft CMS 3 tracks pageviews over time and orders posts by popularity on the front-end.
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Track days infinate #7

Closed deanfields closed 5 years ago

deanfields commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to make track days infinite? Or does it have to be set to something?

daltonrooney commented 5 years ago

Hmmm, I don't think the database structure is really optimized for that, it would definitely give performance problems over time.

If you think about it, a rolling count and a total incremental count are two different things. It's easy to create a single entry for each ID and just increment every time a page is visited. That's what I would do if I wanted to track infinite days.

For rolling count, we have to keep a tally for the last (x) days, which means we need to keep summary data for each day. And every day we have to run a cleanup on out-of-date summaries.

This plugin was really meant for a list of popular posts this week or this month, for an all time count I would try