madebysource / lesshat

Smart LESS CSS mixins library.
MIT License
2.19k stars 259 forks source link

Download url is invalid #172

Closed aukgit closed 8 years ago

aukgit commented 8 years ago

Download url is invalid

longzheng commented 8 years ago


Loord86 commented 8 years ago


mboudreau commented 8 years ago

That is correct. I've removed the build folder from github because compiled code doesn't belong on github because it's not made for it. The artifacts created from our continuous integration server are deployed to NPM which is much better to manage versioning than say bower. I find bower to be kind of redundant since you're already using npm to install bower in the first place.

If you are still adamant on bower, you can always point your dependency to the versioned tarball on NPM within your bower.json like this:

"dependencies": {
    "lesshat": ""

Or you can achieve the same thing by running this command in your application folder:

bower install lesshat= --save

It will not automatically update to a new fix version via semantic versioning since the compressed file is explicit.

I hope that this fixes your problem. If there's any other questions, please add them to this thread. I'll update the readme with this information.


aukgit commented 8 years ago

Thank you.

mboudreau commented 8 years ago

@aukgit You're very welcome.