madebysource / lesshat

Smart LESS CSS mixins library.
MIT License
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how to import in vue.js #173

Open carly1987 opened 7 years ago

carly1987 commented 7 years ago

@import "lesshat";


RROR in ./~/css-loader!./src/assets/css/main.less Module build failed: Unknown word (48:28)

46 | } 47 | &:nth-child(1){

48 | &:before{ width: 320px; .rotate(30deg); left: -120px; top:180px;} | ^ 49 | } 50 | &:nth-child(2){ 51 | &:before{ width: 400px; .rotate(20deg); left: -180px; top:214px; border-left-width: 120px; border-right-width: 10px;}

@ ./~/css-loader!./~/vue-loader/lib/style-rewriter.js?id=data-v-a1ddd8a8!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles&index=0!./src/App.vue 3:10-83

mboudreau commented 7 years ago

Your issue is a bit cryptic, care to expand on it? Is the arrow pointing to the 'before'?