madebysource / lesshat

Smart LESS CSS mixins library.
MIT License
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radial-gradient with ‘at’ gives out invalid css. #99

Closed saneef closed 10 years ago

saneef commented 10 years ago

If the radial-gradient is used with ‘at’ like below

.scenes {
  .background-image(radial-gradient(farthest-side at right bottom, #f00, #f05));

The generated css is having ‘at to’, instead of just ‘at’

.scenes {
  background-image: url(…IgaGVpZ2h0PSIxMDEiIGZpbGw9InVybCgjbGVzc2hhdC1nZW5lcmF0ZWQpIiAvPjwvc3ZnPg==);
  background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(right bottom,farthest-side, #ff0000, #ff0055);
  background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(right bottom,farthest-side, #ff0000, #ff0055);
  background-image: -o-radial-gradient(right bottom,farthest-side, #ff0000, #ff0055);
  background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-side at to left bottom, #ff0000, #ff0055);
petrbrzek commented 10 years ago

Fixed in 3.0.

saneef commented 10 years ago

Thanks @petrbrzek. Much appreciated.