madec-project / ezvis

A dashboard to visualize a synthesis on a structured corpus, using several charts (pies, histograms, ...)
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Prepare ezvis to a new version of castor-core #81

Closed parmentf closed 8 years ago

parmentf commented 8 years ago

Make ezvis use routes like /-/v2/browse /-/v2/display /-/v2/compute (v2 being the current version of castor-core: 2.x):

parmentf commented 8 years ago

The only files in ezvis containing these routes are asserts/js/dashboard.js and asserts/js/documents.js.

However, the /compute.json route is used from the ezvis settings:

    "$years": {
      "default": 0,
      "$?": "local:///compute.json?operator=distinct&field=Year",
      "parseJSON": true,
      "select": ".data ._id",
      "foreach": {
        "cast": "number"
    "$nbnotices": {
      "visible": true,
      "label": "publication(s)",
      "icon": "file-text-o",
      "$?": "local:///compute.json?operator=count&field=wid",
      "parseJSON": true,
      "get": "data.0.value",
      "cast": "number"
    "$citations": {
      "default": 0,
      "$?": "local:///compute.json?operator=distinct&field=NbCitations&itemsPerPage=10000000",
      "parseJSON": true,
      "get": "data",
      "foreach": {
         "$$": {
           "$id": {
             "get": "_id",
             "cast": "number"
           "compute": "id * value"

we'll have to change the documentation accordingly:

parmentf commented 8 years ago

Although there seems to be a problem with exports in chart pages, it also seems that it is not from today. After investigation, it is independent from ezvis' code.