madeintandem / hstore_accessor

Adds typed hstore-backed field support to ActiveRecord models.
MIT License
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Active record 4.2.0.beta2 #44

Closed onemanstartup closed 9 years ago

onemanstartup commented 9 years ago

Added support for this version

send(:attribute_will_change!, key) - with this line somthing strange will happen, PG:UndefinedColumn raised. Also attribute change is done manually :( I can't figure out how to do this with rails help.

crismali commented 9 years ago

This looks good, but I'd like to hold off on merging this in until we can make sure that we're not dropping support for Rails < 4.2. The tests for this code still pass when I switch it back to ActiveRecord 4.0, but I'd like the test suite to tell us that we're not dropping support instead of checking it by hand.

pwim commented 9 years ago

One issue I noticed. Previously, in previous_changes, any accessors you had defined were showing up. However, in this version, only the hstore attribute itself is there.

crismali commented 9 years ago

I'm gonna go ahead and merge this in. We'll figure out something for previous_changes