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add support for serverside safe shutdown #15

Open novedevo opened 3 years ago

novedevo commented 3 years ago

we can't close any connections without sending 421 ( we can send asynchronously if necessary), so we should provide a way to shutdown the program (perhaps responding to kill -9 signals or something) that sends 421s to all the clients and saves any necessary information to disk before closing

novedevo commented 2 years ago

RFC-compliant (see d789975e0a7021a4091ec4ab3b8ef0cfb090e09c and related commits), but more processes should probably check for signals (e.g. test for signals while waiting for a DNS resolution)

novedevo commented 2 years ago

b25aa3eabef9d1eabe8d3d05cc59a7767e49b9af is relevant