mademast / sail

✉️ A strictly standards compliant SMTP server
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Allow Maildir Variables #32

Closed gennyble closed 2 years ago

gennyble commented 2 years ago

The config currently takes a path to a directory that we do Maildir stuff in. This is... bad. We're essentially a single-user mail server- which is an interesting concept!- but not at all what I want.

We should allow variables in the path. Something like path/morepath/%{user}/%{domain}.

My current mail server is OpenSMTPD and I very much like the way they do this. We could/should probably just use their syntax. I really like how they do their config file. It's easy to read, write, and understand. For me, anyway.

gennyble commented 2 years ago

Did I not close this because it's literally right here: edc063320899f1b7149409ea61f3726d7cc1a64d