Gnuradio 3.8 now uses Python 3. Also, gr-osmosdr won't build with Python 3. Ham2mon does not currently support Pyhon 3.
I am not in touch with the timeline for gr-osmosdr to python3. I don't see anything that indicates this is in the works even. Anyone here know what plan is on this? I see references to Soapy which seems to have same intent as gr-osmosdr. I can ask this question elsewhere but starting here to get the input of ham2mon users.
Gnuradio 3.8 now uses Python 3. Also, gr-osmosdr won't build with Python 3. Ham2mon does not currently support Pyhon 3.
I am not in touch with the timeline for gr-osmosdr to python3. I don't see anything that indicates this is in the works even. Anyone here know what plan is on this? I see references to Soapy which seems to have same intent as gr-osmosdr. I can ask this question elsewhere but starting here to get the input of ham2mon users.