madenwala / Yelp.Api

C# Portable Class Library for Yelp (Fusion API v3 from 2017). Works with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Phone, ASP.NET, Xamarin (iOS/Android), Mac, and other .NET projects. Yelp's (v3) Fusion API allows you to get the best local business information and user reviews of over million businesses in 32 countries.
6 stars 11 forks source link

Would you mind if I maintained a Web version of this? #4

Closed Pinski closed 6 years ago

Pinski commented 7 years ago


I've submitted a few pull requests to you of new functionality. I'm using this in a web app and I think other people would want to use it for the web. Would you mind if I maintained a fork of this and a NuGet that targets web apps? I'd probably have it target various versions of netcoreapp.

I would of course give you credit for starting it and link back to your original GitHub Repo and NuGet package. I don't think I'd be adding any more functionality (for now) than what I've already submitted to you as a pull request.


Pinski commented 7 years ago


Since I didn't hear back from you, I went ahead and uploaded a Web version of your NuGet package with the changes I made to your project via pull request.

If for some reason this is a problem, please notify me.

Thanks for you help in getting this project started for me.

madenwala commented 6 years ago

Sorry for my late reply, @Pinski but I've merged your pull request. It's up to you if you want to maintain your own request but I'll try to do a better job of checking this more often and accepting requests.