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High-level overview of the POA for the Made Tech Academy
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TDD - Prerequisite Reading #3

Open craigjbass opened 7 years ago

craigjbass commented 7 years ago

Perhaps lean on these resources to give opportunity for alternative learning styles:-

RoryMacDonald commented 7 years ago

My thinking was that we purchase 6 Kindles with one Amazon account and have the books on there. You can have up to 6X kindles connected to an account, so limits number of people we can bring through, but also costs whilst we trial this out.

Interested in alternate learning styles, haven't seen much success from videos yet. Though know it's popular and you had good success at ClearBooks.

chrisblackburn commented 7 years ago

If we're going to ask people to work through a reading list, how can we incentivise/encourage this? I note we're seeing greater engagement from showing the Uncle Bob vids as a group.

When you read a textbook in academia, you're usually assessed on some form of it (I'm not suggesting that's the route here, but worth noting).

Perhaps also worth noting that different things resonate with different people. Is Clean Coders one of several approaches that might be worth exploring?

craigjbass commented 7 years ago

I feel there should be a short feedback loop between material and practice. If you don't quickly put into practice what you have learned, then it will be forgotten

davidwinter commented 7 years ago

For me personally, I've always found books more useful to learn from than videos. Though as Chris mentioned, different things resonate with different people. Do we offer a mix? Do we reach out and ask the grads what they find works best for them to see if there is a consensus?

craigjbass commented 7 years ago

I've always found real practice works best. I.e. lets do it this way, and let's be strict with ourselves to not deviate from this paradigm for the next few weeks.

davidwinter commented 7 years ago

@craigjbass you're suggesting no prerequisite reading?

craigjbass commented 7 years ago

Think there needs to be a balance. Don't think reading 100% of the material then practice works. Think it might be best to read/watch/listen->practice in a tight feedback loop. So you have enough time to really absorb the material.

I know not mentioned above, but take the "Clean Code" book, as an example, the first few chapters are about "Form" naming, cyclomatic complexity... essentially readability 101... You could easily break this into a few practical sessions after reading the chapters if we noticed that some of the grads were particularly weak in this area.

Also worth mentioning that I feel some apprentices are going to be strong/weak in different areas, so potentially will be helping each other out.