madeyourday / contao-rocksolid-custom-elements

RockSolid Custom Elements Contao Extension
MIT License
48 stars 12 forks source link

Chosen is not working list element #30

Closed cboelter closed 9 years ago

cboelter commented 9 years ago

I have the following configuration:

'subelements' => array(
            'label'        => array(
                'de' => array(
                    'Fügen Sie die Subelemente zu diesem Slide hinzu.',
            'elementLabel' => array(
                'de' => 'Sublement %s',
            'inputType'    => 'list',
            'maxItems'     => 3,
            'fields'       => array(
                'headline' => array(
                    'label'     => array(
                        'de' => array('Headline'),
                    'inputType' => 'text',
                    'eval'      => array('tl_class' => 'w50'),
                'icon'     => array(
                    'label'     => array(
                        'de' => array('Icon'),
                    'inputType' => 'select',
                    'options'   => array('photo', 'movie'),
                    'eval'      => array('tl_class' => 'w50', 'includeBlankOption' => true),
                'url'      => array(
                    'label'     => array('Link'),
                    'inputType' => 'url',
                    'eval'      => array('tl_class' => 'long wizard'),
                'news'     => array(
                    'label'      => array('News'),
                    'inputType'  => 'select',
                    'foreignKey' => 'tl_news.headline',
                    'eval'       => array('tl_class' => 'long', 'chosen' => true, 'includeBlankOption' => true),

After adding a new element, chosen does not work. It seems that it is not reloaded after adding a new element.