madhatter22 / LinqToLdap

C# LINQ provider built on top of System.DirectoryServices.Protocols for querying and updating LDAP servers.
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More control over object creation #19

Open BalassaMarton opened 3 years ago

BalassaMarton commented 3 years ago

Use case: We need subtype mapping, but not based on objectclass. The two types have the same objectclass, but they are distinguished by organizational unit (ou).


  1. Allow hooking into IObjectMapping.Create from IClassMap (or a new interface to avoid breaking changes).
  2. Make the SearchResultEntry accessible for the IClassMap so that it can decide what type to instantiate based on arbitrary attributes.

Implementation notes: I understand that this would require breaking changes to the IClassMap interface, so my idea is to add a static type called something like MappingContext, and expose the current SearchResultEntry through an async local variable called Current. User code would look something like this:

SearchResultEntry entry = MappingContext.Current.Entry;
if (entry.DistinguishedName.Contains("ou=foo") return new Foo();
return new Bar();
BalassaMarton commented 3 years ago

To make it more robust, even a custom IResultTransformer could be provided by the IClassMap. But for that, classes like ResultTransformer need to be refactored and made public so that we don't end up with copy-pasta of property mapping and other generic code.

madhatter22 commented 3 years ago

I like the idea of allowing you to determine how to construct the object. IClassMap should allow you to provide a Create implementation in the form of Func<SearchResultEntry, T>, but only IObjectMapping should be concerned with the use of the function. Create should also be changed to take SearchResultEntry as a parameter. It's already receiving object classes from the entry as parameters.

This is also an opportunity to simplify the subclass mapping. I should also be able to support the same functionality via attribute mapping of a static method on the class.